YOGYAKARTA Any car periodic service? If you open a car manual book, there are various kinds of car maintenance that must be carried out regularly. Starting from the first 1,000 km periodic service to periodic service of 20,000 km.

In each type of service, there are car components that need maintenance so that their performance remains optimal.

For more details, see the following article.

It has been mentioned above, the car's periodic service needs to be done when the car has covered a distance of 1,000 km. After that, every 5,000 km multiple, you have to do service regularly.

Summarized from various sources, here are the types of periodic car services that need to be done along with components that must be replaced so that their performance remains optimal:

For those of you who have just purchased a new car, you need to take care when the car has reached 1,000 km.

This first service is usually free of charge because it is still under warranty. The purpose of a periodic service of 1,000 km is to ensure there are no defects in the car.

Next, you are advised to serve when the car has covered a distance of 5,000 km.

When bringing the car to the repair shop for service, the manager will replace the oil. For the brake camp, it will be checked based on the condition. It can still be good, so there is no need to replace it.

In addition, the workshop will check the steering and coupling system, formaging radiator water, battery water, air wiper, and brake oil.

In this service period, tune-up (light engine maintenance) is usually also carried out. The work includes busy checks, valve gaps, carburetors, high voltage cables, batteries, distributors, fan straps, cooling systems, air sieves, mixed tuning, and idle rounds.

When the car has reached 10,000 km, the maintenance carried out is cleaning the braking system and car wheels. Not to forget to check the condition of the brake camp, whether it is still feasible or not. The workshop will also rotate tires and smearing and balancing.

In this serve peridoe, machine oil and transmission oil must be replaced. Likewise with oil filters.

Generally, the workshop will carry out additional checks to see whether there is a problem with the routine checks.

Entering 15,000 km, the checks carried out are almost the same as 5,000 km of service. Machine oil is the first thing that can be replaced.

Next, the workshop will check under cars and bolts. Suspension also did not escape checking whether the performance was still good or not.

The periodic service of the car that has traveled 20,000 km takes a long time. The components checked will be more and may require replacement of the components that are already inflated.

During this service period, checks are usually carried out on the braking system, air filter replacement, busy replacement, and AC filter replacement. Not to forget that machine oil, transmission oil, and Gardan oil also need to be replaced.

In the engine section, the workshop will re-set the klop along with the sidewalk and the engine idle calibration.

Meanwhile, on the legs, a suspension and sewering and balancing check is carried out. Tire conditions are also checked, if they are starting to get thin, it is recommended that new ones be replaced.

That's information about the type of periodic car service that must be done. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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