JAKARTA - Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison recorded an increase in customer data traffic during the New Year 2025 period, where the peak of the significant spike on January 1, 2025 with an increase of more than 10 percent compared to normal days.

Meanwhile, cities with the highest data traffic increases in each region include Baturaja City, Palembang City, Siantar Sidempuan City in Sumatra, Sintang City, Singkawang City, Sampit City in Kalimantan, and Gowa City, Palu City, Parepare City in Sulawesi, in addition to the Jabotabek, Java, and Bali-Nusra areas.

In the Nataru holiday period (22 December - 2 January), this also includes increasing the popularity of digital services, with the five apps experiencing the highest surge in usage being WhatsApp, Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook.

"Indosat continues to be committed to providing impressive digital experiences, including important moments such as the turn of the year," Desmond Cheung, Director and Chief Technology Officer of Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison said in a statement.

Indosat also ensures that the network remains optimal through intensive monitoring and management carried out during the 24/7 at the Digital Intelligence Operations Center (DIOC).

"DIOC plays an important role in monitoring and maintaining network performance in real-time, ensuring customers enjoy the best digital experience of the day," continued Desmond.

By utilizing Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) technology and automation systems, the availability and quality of the network are monitored proactively to overcome various challenges that may arise for the convenience of users.

With the application of this latest technology, Indosat managed to reduce the customer complaint rate by 36 percent compared to the average normal day.

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