JAKARTA - On September 17, 2009, the most wanted terrorist kingpin in Asia, Noordin M Top was killed in a shootout during his ambush. At that time, he was in hiding in Kepuh Sari Village, RT 3/RW 11, Mojongsarai, Solo, Central Java.
In the raid, there were three other suspected terrorists, namely Bagus Budi Pranoto, Hadi Susilo, and Ari Sudarso alias Aji aka Suparjo Dwi Anggoro aka Dayat aka Mistam Husamudin. Aji is known to be Noordin M. Top's accomplice.
He has the ability to assemble bombs on par with Noordin M. Top's colleague, Azahari Husin alias Dr Azahari. All three died from gunshot wounds. The siege was carried out since the night before, namely September 16, 2009 at around 23.30 WIB.
When surrounded, the fugitives from inside the house opened fire on the police. Gunfights are unavoidable. As a result of gunfire, a motorcycle in the living room of the house caught fire. The fugitives then ran to the bathroom.

Towards dawn, Densus 88 personnel broke through the bathroom wall. The fugitives were immediately paralyzed. After the ambush, the evacuation process of the fugitives was carried out. The police just learned that one of the fugitives who died was Noordin M Top.
This was known after the results of the fingerprint test came out on September 17 at noon. This confirmation was conveyed by the then National Police Chief General, Bambang Hendarso Danuri, in a press conference at the National Police Headquarters in South Jakarta, Thursday, September 17, 2009 afternoon.
The National Police Chief also conveyed that fingerprint checks were based on data held by the National Police and the Royal Malaysian Police. "(There are) 14 identical points of similarity with the DPO (List of People Searching) which has been sought for nine years", said Bambang Hendarso Danuri, citing Liputan 6.
Who is Noordin M Top
Noordin M Top is a Malaysian born man who converted to an Islamic militant group after college and became an accountant. He fled to Indonesia with fellow Malaysian bomb maker, Azahari Husin.
Noordin M Top became a key figure in the militant group Jemaah Islamiyah and is suspected of planning attacks on the JW Marriott in Jakarta in 2003, the Australian Embassy in Jakarta in 2004 and in Bali.
Then, Noordin M Top created a much tougher group around 2005. The group was called the 'Al Qaeda Jihad Organization for the Malay Archipelago'. His hard-line stance led to disagreements with many members of Jemaah Islamiyah.
According to a Reuters report, it is still unclear what the true relationship between Noordin M Top and the wider al Qaeda movement is. But many analysts say some of the groups created by Noordin M Top appear to have links to al Qaeda.
Aided by his professional background, analysts say Noordin M Top became an expert at planning attacks, knowing how to find safe homes, conducting surveillance and mixing explosives.

Ken Conboy, a security consultant, said Noordin M Top's key role was his ability to recruit suicide bombers. "For me that's the real key that she can get teenage boys in the village and often convince them in a matter of days to give their lives." said Conboy.
Analysts also said Noordin M. Top was quick to improvise tactics after security was increased on several targets. Meanwhile, Noordin M. Top's colleague, Azahari Husin, was killed during an ambush in Batu, East Java in 2005.
Previously there were rumors that Azahari died by suicide with a bomb or a gun he had. "Azahari was shot to death, there was still a bomb on his body. It was a very dangerous incident. 11 bombs had been detonated to throw the police", said the Commander of Densus 88 at the time, Inspector General (Ret) Bekto.
The Indonesian police discovered Azahari's whereabouts after identifying the perpetrators of the Bali suicide bombings in October 2005. The police also arrested a courier delivering messages between Azahari and Noordin M Top.
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