JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, September 2, 2018, President Jokowi closed the 2018 Asian Games from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Jokowi's face was also displayed on the screen during the closing ceremony of the Asian Games at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK).

He expressed his gratitude to all contingents who were certain to participate. Previously, Indonesia tried to maximize everything to host the 2018 Asian Games. Extra work was also carried out due to tight implementation. Facilities are also trying to be repaired to reduce funds.

Indonesia was splashed with blessings as the host of the 2018 Asian Games in 2014. This condition was because Vietnam, which was first chosen by the Asian Olympic Council (OCA), resigned. Vietnam, who was elected in 2012, felt unable to build a sports arena and support for the Asian Games.

The status as the host made Indonesia move quickly. The government also appointed Erick Thohir as Chairman of the 2018 Asian Games Organizing Committee (Inasgoc). Thohir's leadership is considered capable of bringing new hope. However, the matter of leading is not an easy matter.

Erick was faced with the fact that the Indonesian government could not meet the Rp8.7 trillion fund for the 2018 Asian Games. The government only agreed to Rp4.5 trillion. Dismantling the agenda had to be carried out.

Activities that are not very important and do not have value in the Olympics are cut like the Asian Youth Games. Erick also tried to find additional funds from sponsors. The funds for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2018 Asian Games inevitably cut.

Initially, the total funds for this activity reached 52 million US dollars. Then, it was cut to 32 million US dollars only. The cuts fortunately did not reduce the value of the opening ceremony.

People actually consider the opening ceremony with the theme Energy of Asia at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) to be one of the best openings of the Asian Games. President Jokowi was also proud to open the Asian level sports celebration.

"We are proud of the arrival of special guests from 45 countries. In the 2018 Asian Games, we as Asian nations want to show that we are brothers, we are united, we want to achieve achievements. By saying bismillairrahmanirrahim, the 18th Asian Games I declare is open," said Jokowi in the 2018 Asian Games leadership, as quoted by the CNN page on July 18, 2018.

Indonesia as the host received praise from many countries. The praise is because Indonesia has prepared accommodation as well as possible. On the other hand, Indonesia's achievements at the 2018 Asian Games are classy.

Indonesia managed to occupy fourth place with 31 gold, 24 silver, 43 bronze. The closing day took place at GBK on September 2, 2018.

The difference is that the closure was not attended directly by President Jokowi as at the opening. Jokowi's absence was due to a review of the evacuation of earthquake victims in Lombok.

As a result, Jokowi was only able to close the 2018 Asian Games from Lombok via video connection displayed on the big screen. The option was carried out because it was in a state of emergency because Lombok had just been hit by a disaster. After that, the closing ceremony went smoothly.

"We feel the same spirit as all of you at GBK. The spirit of togetherness to continue to rise again and the Asian Games is indeed over but Asia's energy and spirit will not be extinguished."

"Thank you to Indonesian citizens, we have succeeded in becoming friendly hosts. The highest achievement during the Asian Games," Jokowi said as quoted on the DW website, September 2, 2018.

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