JAKARTA Memories of today, five years ago, August 16, 2019, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked for blessings to all Indonesian people, from members of the council to national figures to move the capital city from Jakarta to Kalimantan. The transfer is for equity.

Previously, President Jokowi's desire to move the capital city because Jakarta was deemed unfit. Jakarta problems such as congestion and flooding are the estuary. This condition makes the government less flexible in working.

Jakarta was once considered a brilliant representation of a capital city. Jakarta has proven to be the center of everything since the colonial era. There are also many historical events that have occurred in Jakarta, from the Youth Pledge to the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence.

This existence has been going on for a long time. Recently, one after another, a big city became a disease. Jakarta is getting congested. Congestion is everywhere. Bad air quality. These problems had to be faced by the central government and all residents of Jakarta.

Jakarta is starting to be considered by the government to no longer be worthy of its status as the capital city of Indonesia. Jokowi's government began to make a decision to move the capital city outside Java. The transfer was based on the desire for development and all kinds of things to no longer focus on Jakarta.

Equity began to be carried out on other islands. The urgency is non-negotiable. The decision to move the capital city of Indonesia was even included in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

The issue of location selection follows. This is because the government wants to move the capital city of Indonesia to be really measurable and mature. He asked the public not to worry. Jokowi gave an example of Malaysia's success in building a new capital city, even though Malaysia was forced to have two capitals: Kuala Lumpur (economic center) and Putrajaya (administrative center).

"And when we agree that we will go to developed countries, the first question, especially what must be answered is whether in the future DKI Jakarta as the nation's capital will be able to bear two burdens at once, namely as a center of government and public services and at the same time as a business center."

Several countries have anticipated the development of their country in the future by moving the center of their government. I think we will exemplify a lot, both Malaysia, South Korea, Brazil, Kazakhstan, and others. So once again, we want us to think visionary for the progress of this country," Jokowi said in a speech as quoted by the Cabinet Secretariat website, April 29, 2019.

The process of moving the capital city of Indonesia is getting serious. Jokowi began to look at the island of Kalimantan as the location for the new capital city of Indonesia. However, the exact location has not been confirmed. The government is still conducting in-depth research.

As a form of seriousness, Jokowi actually first asked for blessings and support from all Indonesian people on August 16, 2019. He asked all members of the council, elders, and national leaders to support moving the capital city of Indonesia to Kalimantan.

Support from the Indonesian people means a lot for Jokowi to support the government's agenda in the future. Jokowi has just announced the North Panajam Paser, East Kalimantan as the location for the new Indonesian capital city on August 26, 2019. He wants the new capital city to represent the progress of the Indonesian nation.

"On this historic occasion. By asking for the pleasure of Allah SWT, by asking for permission and support from the honorable Council Member, elders and national figures, especially from all Indonesian people, I hereby ask for permission to move our nation's capital city to Kalimantan Island".

"The new capital city is designed not only as a symbol of identity, but a representation of the nation's progress, by carrying out modern, smart, and green city concepts, using new and renewable energy, not depending on fossil energy," Jokowi said in his state speech at the Parliament Building as quoted by Kompas.com, August 16, 2019.

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