The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) questioned two employees of the Situbondo and Bondowoso District Land Offices as witnesses in the corruption case of the national economic recovery fund (PEN) on Wednesday, December 18. They were asked about the assets belonging to the Regent of Situbondo Karna Suwandi.

"Two witnesses were investigated in connection with assets belonging to the suspect KS," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika to reporters in a written statement, Thursday, December 19.

In addition, investigators also examined Karna Suwandi as a witness. He and six other people were questioned about the money from the fraudulent practice that was being investigated.

The six witnesses are Arif Subali as private; Andhika Imam Wijaya who is an entrepreneur; Firman Adi Setiawan as a student/student; Lucky Agnestiar Anggraeni who works as a midwife; Andri Setiawan who is a civil servant at the Public Works and Settlement Housing Service; and As'al Fany Balda as Director of PT Badja Karya Nusantara.

"The witnesses were all investigated regarding the giving of money to the KS suspect," said Tessa.

Previously reported, the KPK is currently investigating allegations of corruption in the management of national economic recovery funds (PEN) in the Situbondo Regency Government as well as the procurement of goods and services (PBJ) for 2021-2024.

Two people were named as suspects based on the information gathered. They are the Regent of Situbondo Karna Suwandi and the Head of the PUPR Service of the Situbondo Regency Government, Eko Prionggo.

Karna hingga saat ini belum ditahan. Ia bahkan kembali maju sebagai Bupati Situbondo dalam Pilkada 2024.

In addition, Karna also filed a pretrial lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court (PN). He did not accept being named a suspect by the KPK.

This lawsuit was later rejected by the South Jakarta District Court. Because then registered a similar lawsuit on Monday, October 28 with Case Number: 110/Pid.Pra/2024/PN.JKT.Sel.

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