JAKARTA - The bullet warehouse incident exploded not once or twice in Indonesia. This problem has even occurred since Indonesia's independence, or during the Revolutionary War. The victims were not a bullet warehouse for the Indonesian camp, but an allied army in Dayeuhkolot, Bandung.

Since then, the explosion of a bullet warehouse accompanied the history of the Indonesian nation's journey. Cilandak's bullet warehouse, Bojongkoneng's bullet warehouse, and Pondok Row's bullet warehouse. The narrative is proof that the presence of a bullet warehouse can be a threat.

Efforts to defend Indonesia's independence are never easy. Independence fighters began to close ranks to fight the Dutch colonialists the second time in 1945. The fighters immediately stripped the weapons and seized power from the hands of Japan.

In Bandung, let alone. The condition took place day by day. Problems arise. The ally of the British army - who was ridden by the Dutch asked the freedom fighters to hand over their confiscated weapons. For safety," he said.

The Allies also asked the city of Bandung to be vacated for the same reason. The order means two sides. One side wants the Indonesian Republic of Indonesia Army (TRI) to vacate Bandung according to instructions. One other party does not agree if it just vacates Bandung.

The strategy was also played. All fighters also planned a scorched earth strategy on March 23, 1956, or known as the Bandung Lautan Api Incident. The pinnacle of being loved by scholars arrived. The bullet warehouse of allied soldiers in Dayeuhkolot became the main target of the scorched earth's tactics.

The effort was carried out by two teams of freedom fighters. The first team was led by Moh. Toha. The second team is led by Achmad. Their total is 11 people. Instead of all being equipped with each weapon, each person is also equipped with two or three grenades.

It is not an easy matter to get to the bullet warehouse. They were forced to avoid mines and rain bullets from allied forces. The two teams were troubled. In fact, some fell. The rest, began to force themselves to enter and blow up the bullet warehouse.

The determination brought results. The bullet warehouse was successfully detonated. Smoke and the sound of the explosion shocked the whole of Bandung like a sign of victory. The impact is everywhere. A total of 20 Dutch soldiers were killed. All war tools from Japan and allies were destroyed by the red rooster.

There are countless supplies and weapons and vehicles stored there. Meanwhile, Moh. Toha himself was not found. However, according to a resident, only a piece of the body was found from the waist to the leg in a state of fire. Other body parts are unknown.

Allegedly, the body part came from Moh. Toha's body. Youth Moh. Toha has died as a nation's flower. The name of the South Bandung Hero was later immortalized as the name of the street in the city of Bandung: Moh. Toha Street. In what used to be the warehouse of Dutch eclipse that was successfully detonated, the Moh Monument is now standing. Toha, "explained Her Suganda in the book Tourism Parijs van Java: History, Civilization, Art, Culinary, and Expenditure (2011).

It is possible that the explosion of a bullet warehouse in Bandung became the first explosion event since Indonesia's independence. However, that does not mean that all the events of the bullet warehouse often labeled with the spirit of nationalism.

Some of them actually arise from neglect. The contents of the warehouse that should have been destroyed are still often stored. There is also a failure to carry out ammunition and explosives procedures.

The explosion of a bullet warehouse belonging to the Marine Corps of the Cilandak Navy, South Jakarta, shocked the whole of the archipelago. It all started because the marine members who took part in the night guard were panicked by the emergence of smoke and fire from one of the bullet warehouses on October 29, 1984.

The initiative to extinguish the fire was carried out. The effort was successful for a while. However, bad luck belongs to the Marine Corps. The explosion like a celebration firecracker began to be heard at 20:00. At first the sound of the explosion was not so big. Later the sound of a boom that thundered occurred.

Panic is certain to happen. Areas close to the Marine Corps are alert: Cilandak, Jagakarsa, and Lenteng Agung. The explosion made the building move and the glass burst. The general assembly began to panic when various ammunition began to fall in the yard and in the room.

The explosion of a bullet warehouse caused casualties. It was recorded that the death toll reached dozens of people. Those whose homes fell in active ammunition to reach thousands. As a result, many houses were badly damaged. The only option is to evacuate.

The explosion of a bullet and airshed warehouse in Cilandak, South Jakarta woke the population and moved them to become refugees who left their hometowns, written in the book Opening Cakrawala: 25 years of Indonesia and the World in the title Kompas (1990).

The bullet warehouse of the Center for Equipment V (Dopuspol V), Bandung, West Java often explodes. Depo, which is an institution under the Puspalad ( Army Equipment Center: AD), was recorded as having exploded in 1955, 1965, and 1985.

The latest incident was on March 13, 1985. At that time, the party who was on guard was unloading ammunition from the truck to the warehouse number 27. The first truck can be completed properly. Disaster arises when dismantling the second truck.

A loud explosion until it was heard that tens of kilometers occurred. The contents of Mekar Saluyu Village were hit by a commotion. Moreover, the incident claimed the lives of dozens of people. There are military parties and some from the civilian side.

The power of attorney also tried to explain the chronology. Even though those who helped move ammunition all died on the spot. The explosion was allegedly present due to a technical accident moving old ammunition. The incident was later known as Beledug Bojongkoneng.

The news is that all victims, including members of the military, received the same treatment: compensation money and posthumous promotions. Last week's ammunition explosion was recorded in the last six months. October last year a marine ammunition warehouse in Cilandak, Jakarta, exploded and killed dozens of people. Meanwhile, last January, an explosion also occurred in the TNI AU ammunition warehouse in Madiun, this time without casualties," wrote Tempo magazine report entitled Musibah Bojongkoneng (1985).

The explosion disaster was also present at the TNI AL ammunition warehouse from the Frog Troop Command (Kopaska) in Pondok Rowing, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. The incident occurred at 10:00 a.m. on March 5, 2014. The incident carried deep shock and sorrow.

All because the public only found out about Kopaska's headquarters being in a hidden place in the corner of the Tanjung Priok Port complex, east of Ancol Beach. The estuary was due to the sound of an explosion. The public also saw that those who came had to use a motorboat.

They were 'TNI AL soldiers' who became victims, reaching 87 people. No civilians. One person is critical and another person dies. The owner of the power said the explosion was triggered by an electric current that hit the stored ammunition.

"So far there has been no identification of civilians (who were victims)," Head of the Indonesian Navy Information Service, Untung Suropati as quoted on the BBC website, March 5, 2014.

The general assembly hopes that the explosion of the Kopaska Pondok Rowing bullet warehouse will be the last. In fact, there is only hope. The Kodam Jaya bullet warehouse in Ciangsana in Bogor, West Java exploded on March 30, 2024.

The explosion was triggered by ammunition in Warehouse number six. The ammunition should have been scheduled to be destroyed as a trigger for the explosion. The incident carried a stir across the country. Dozens of houses were damaged. Even if there were no casualties.

"The house shook violently so we immediately left the house to save ourselves," said a resident of Parung Pinang, Nurul Ulfa as quoted by the Kompas Daily newspaper, April 1, 2024.

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