JAKARTA - The name Gayus Halomoan Tambunan once shocked the whole of Indonesia. This class IIIA employee of the Directorate General (Dirjen) of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is considered to tarnish Indonesia's financial and legal institutions.

The act of life was because Gayus was charged with many charges at once, from tax corruption to bribing judges. The series of mistakes did not make Gayus relieved. Instead, he considers himself an Indonesian economic savior. Gayus admits that he has contributed to the country.

The issue of corrupt practices at the Director General of Taxes is not a new item. The Director General has been marked by the general public as one of the places where corruption thrives. This assumption became even more loud as the name of a Class IIIA employee of the Tax Directorate who had a lot of savings in 2010 was raised.

Gayus Tambunan, his name. Gayus' hard work as a tax employee is actually only given a salary of around Rp. 12.1 million per month, or Rp. 145.2 million a year. However, Gayus was able to exceed his income as a tax employee by using the authority to become a tax mafia.

Gayus was able to get incentives of up to Rp. 100 billion when he played the role of the tax mafia. An income that a Class IIIA tax employee will not be able to get without a corruption route. Gayus was also entangled with many charges at once. Among other things, gratification, bribery, and money laundering.

Gayus was immediately arrested and dealt with. The entire Indonesian people was relieved because law enforcement immediately processed the gay case. Far from being hot. Gayus was actually forced to live a good life in prison. Like the law can be bought by Gayus.

The narrative surfaced because Gayus was free to go in and out of prison. In fact, Gayus was able to watch the 2010 Commonwealth Bank Tournament of Champions tennis match in Bali. This fact is proof that Gayus is able to bribe law enforcers.

The series of cases made Indonesia's tax and law enforcement institutions fall at the lowest level. This is because all kinds of government ambitions to break the chain of corruption seem like nonsense by the general public.

For the sake of upholding a sense of justice for the community, the police must quickly express Gayus' confession. If it is true that he has precious metals and gold is aligned, with a value of Rp74 billion, which is stored in Singapore, of course the amount of money he received from his "clience" is much greater than previously recognized. This does not include Rp25 billion which was previously found in Gayus' account and has been blocked. From the disclosure of this case, it will be known that the tax'mafia' network at the place where Gayus works, if we believe this IIIA civil servant does not work alone.

This case is also a'slip' for the Director General of Taxes and the Ministry of Finance-Ministry who have reformed the bureaucracy and improved salaries and remuneration. The ministry is also required by the public to ensure that the Gayus case is not a habit of tax officers in general. The Ministry of Finance and the Director General of Taxes need to examine all their apparatus, and ensure bureaucratic reform in the ministry is not a wasteful program," wrote Tempo Magazine's report entitled Mengusut Origin of Gayus Money (2010).

Gayus like recklessly playing with Indonesian law. Everything is trying to be eradicated. In fact, Gayus wanted the seven-year prison sentence that had been handed down to him in January 2010, reviewed in the appeal court. Gayus considers his crimes to be insignificant, compared to his services to the state.

This assumption was revealed by Gayus' lawyer, Hotma Sitompul at the Cipinang Detention Center on February 3, 2011. Hotma said that her client actually played a big role in maintaining state finances. Gayus' header like the 'law' of the Tax Directorate against companies involved in taxes in the appeal court is proof.

Hotma gave an example when a company was subject to a tax case of Rp. 10 billion. However, because of Gayus, the company can be traced and pay taxes of up to Rp. 100 billion. Gayus played a major role in guarding these companies so that taxes immediately entered the country.

This narrative made Hotma even more confident in defending her client to the appeal court. All of this was done because Gayus felt that he had great services for the nation and state. Even though the claim is considered too far-fetched by the general public.

'Gayus defended the Directorate General of Taxes in the appeal court by defending the tax stipulation. In practice, there are those who lose and some win, depending on the judge's decision. What is certain is that Gayus has been acting to save state finances by maintaining the SPT of the Director General of Taxes.'

"Gayus, in accordance with the duties and responsibilities given to him, defended the Directorate General of Taxes against these companies in the appeal court," added Gayus Tambunan's lawyer, Hotma Sitompul as quoted on the Tribunnews website, February 4, 2011.

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