JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf said the use of single socio-economic data would cross out the names of state civil servants (ASN) registered as recipients of social assistance.
"Automatically it will be rejected because this has been related to NIK as well, so it will be rejected automatically," said Social Minister Saifullah Yusuf as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 31.
His party also anticipates the possibility of negligence in the system with a percentage of up to 1 percent.
This anticipation is by providing a path to refute parties whose names are used as recipients of social assistance even though they do not meet the requirements as recipients of social assistance, and or to propose names that have not been registered as recipients of social assistance even though they are entitled to social assistance.
This process can be taken formally through sub-districts, sub-districts, Social Services, Regents/Mayors, to the Ministry of Social Affairs, or through community participation channels.
"The participation path where people can open social assistance checks, then there are suggestions/rebutions by attaching several important things to strengthen the proposal and rebuttal," said Saifullah Yusuf.
The Central Statistics Agency is currently still in the final stages of compiling single socio-economic data.
"Right now (the preparation of single socio-economic data) is in the finalization stage. Starting next year, it will be used," said Saifullah Yusuf.
Single socio-economic data will later serve as a guideline for the Ministry of Social Affairs in the distribution of social assistance so that it is hoped that it can be right on target.
He added that later in implementing the single data, he would wait for the issuance of the Presidential Instruction (Inpres) as a legal basis.
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