JAKARTA - In general, salads are expected to have a light, fresh, and nutrient-rich taste. But the fact is that many make salads with the opposite result. A taste that makes the body weak, less fresh, and served with food that is not balanced.

Based on the recommendations of Claire Saffitz and Alfa Muzio, reported by Bon Appétit, Wednesday, August 18, here are the mistakes to avoid when making salads.

1. Choose seasonal vegetables

From a variety of leafy greens, including arugula, kale, and romaine, it's a good idea to scour the farmers' market for seasonal leafy vegetables. For a salad base, you can choose micro greens, baby kale, lettuce, and chicory.

For those who like lots of texture, add other ingredients such as carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Seasonal vegetables are recommended, as they are fresher than making the mistake of choosing frozen vegetables. In addition, the nutrients are still fresh contained in whole sliced vegetables for salads.

2. Simply prepared by washing

After buying vegetables, wash the salad ingredients and then dry the remaining laundry water that sticks. Then cut it if it is too big in size then it is ready to eat.

3. Use mild spices

The flood of spices actually weakens the taste of the salad base vegetables and adds texture. You simply add pepper, a little fine salt, and lemon juice.

If you like it, add mustard and olive oil. Then you don't need the hassle of making a dressing for a fresh vegetable salad.

4. Consider dressing

The soft texture of arugula won't go well with a thick and thick mayonnaise dressing, avoid this mistake. Choose with a light dressing. To mix with the sauce, so that the texture of the freshness of the vegetables is not damaged, mix it a little at a time.

A little sauce first, then add according to the desired taste. Finally, ready to be served with a neat appearance and perfect taste.

5. Tools for mixing salads and dressings

Your hands are the most patient salad mixers ever. Because salads need to be mixed lightly and with an airy surface. In addition, the hands will not bruise the vegetable sheet.

6. Add separate toppings

If the salad is being served as a guest, separate the toppings. If it is for your own consumption, you are free to add it anytime. Although it is better to add toppings after the vegetables and dressing have come together, then sprinkle with chopped almonds, seeds, tomatoes, and peas.

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