JAKARTA - Diabetes has become one of the main causes of death in the world and can attack various age groups, including the younger generation.
Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the number of diabetics in Indonesia reached 19.5 million people. This figure is predicted to increase to 28.5 million by 2045.
This increase was triggered by poor diet, lack of physical activity, and other health-deserving habits.
According to the Division Head of Medical Marketing Kalbe Nutritionals, dr. Muliaman Mansyur, AIFO-K, the lifestyle of young people currently contributes to the increasing prevalence of diabetes at a young age.
In the past, diabetes was more common at the age of over 40 years, but now there are more and more cases in those under 40 years of age. This is closely related to lifestyles, such as consumption of high-carb and fat foods, unhealthy food and drink snacks habits, and irregular eating hours," he explained in an online discussion.
In addition to diet, habits such as lack of movement, smoking, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise are also the main causes. The combination of poor diets and minimal physical activity triggers excess calories that lead to obesity, one of the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes.
Early symptoms of diabetes are often overlooked. Some common signs include feeling thirsty, hungry, and urinating. Other symptoms include body weight that suddenly drops for no reason, tingling, itching in the folding area of the body, and wounds that are difficult to recover.
If these symptoms appear, it is important to immediately check blood sugar levels and consult a doctor.
Diabetes can certainly cause serious complications if not treated properly, such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, nerve damage, to the risk of amputation due to wounds that do not heal. Other complications involve small blood vessels, such as visual impairment or blindness, and sexual dysfunction.
In this case, a healthy diet is the main key in preventing diabetes. High foods of sugar and fat, if consumed continuously, have the potential to damage the function of the pancreas and affect insulin production.
In contrast, eating foods with a balanced composition of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals helps maintain the health of the body.
In addition, regular exercise is at least 30 minutes a day important to control blood sugar levels. Physical activities such as fast walking, jogging, or cardio sports help the body burn excess sugar and increase insulin sensitivity.
Young people are also advised to check blood sugar levels regularly, especially if they experience symptoms such as fatigue, frequent hunger, or unnatural weight loss. Early detection is essential to prevent further complications.
Avoiding diabetes from an early age requires a commitment to live a healthy lifestyle. Reduce consumption of high sugar snacks, replace them with healthier choices such as juice without additional sugar, and maintaining nutritional balance is an important step. The younger generation also needs to educate themselves about the dangers of diabetes and the importance of early detection.
With the right awareness and action, the risk of diabetes can be suppressed, and the younger generation can enjoy a healthier future.
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