JAKARTA - Lily Allen responded to public criticism after returning the dog she had taken from the shelter. It is known that Allen received criticism from animal rights protection organizations or PETA through social media.

Initially, Lily Allen became controversial after mentioning she had returned a dog named Mary which she took from the shelter in 2021. The singer explained that she took the action because Mary ate some of her belongings, one of which was her passport.

She revealed that she could not travel with her two children to meet her ex-husband, Sam Cooper for five months. The dog ate their three passports so they had to wait for a new passport.

The PETA organization responded by writing a tweet on X to Lily Allen. They wrote, 'While you can get a new passport and reorder your flight, Mary may spend months in a shelter waiting for a new family, that's if she's lucky enough.'

Monday, August 26, Lily Allen answered PETA's criticism and quoted his words herein which PETA did not mention. Allen did not accept that he was described as throwing away his property.

"It didn't work and passports are something that makes me desperate, that's the term. This is one part of the broadcast that is not quoted in my news throw away my dog wrote Lily Allen.

People reacted differently to the quote, and as a result I received many messages such as death threats, even book comments across my social media, and I'm not surprised. But this has an impact on my family. We took the dog from a shelter in New York and we really love him," he continued.

The Smile singer felt that the dog was experiencing acute separation anxiety so she couldn't be left for more than 10 minutes. They tried to consult a professional animal trainer and the result was that their house was not ideal to be a place to live.

"I've been saving some dogs consistently since I was 4 years old, I'm pretty good at meeting dog needs, I've never been accused of not treating them well and I feel this week is very heavy," continued Lily Allen.

"Thank you PETA for adding oil to the fire," he said.

People laugh when they talk about painful things, quite normal. I've said we didn't throw it away and we gave it to people we know. Why do you continue to emphasize lies?" said Lily Allen.

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