JAKARTA - Based on a report by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Indonesia is ranked fifth in a country with the highest number of diabetics. Therefore, insulin needs also increased.

The number of diabetics is also expected to increase, and in 2045 it will reach 28.6 million people with diabetes in Indonesia and 783 sufferers worldwide. PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (Kalbe) is the pioneer of national insulin producers through the Ezelin brand, which already has the highest halal certification and has TKDN (Domestic Component Level) in Indonesia.

This product is called Ezelin, it's insulin glardin, it's also the first in Indonesia to produce with a domestic content level of almost 50 percent and halal, so that the product can meet the needs of diabetic patients and is also safe to use because it's halal. Because the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim, I think Kalbe must also meet this need," said Director of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk Mulia Lie quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, August 24.

Furthermore, Mulia explained that the new product was the answer to the request for insulin, including BPJS which did require medical expenses to be more affordable so that the costs could be saved for other things, but still with the same quality as other foreign production.

Kalbe has also received full support from the government in the process of halal certification and local clinical testing. In addition, the product has also gone through clinical trials involving local pharmacologists, making it fully produced and tested domestically.

"Indonesia has many children of the nation who are smart and of high quality. What is needed now is mentally to produce alone or still depend on imports," said Mulia.

He considered that the current government had provided adequate facilities to support domestic production.

Kalbe's steps are expected to meet the needs of the community and strengthen the local pharmaceutical industry.

Meanwhile, PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (Kalbe) held a series of Pharmacist Xperience events in collaboration with the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) and the Hospital Pharmacy Seminat Association (HISFARSI) as a form of support for the role of pharmacists in educating the public regarding diabetes.

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