YOGYAKARTA In making cakes or bread, the majority use recipes that must include soda cakes and baking powders. Both, it is known that in general they can make cakes that can expand. However, there are also cakes that only use ingredients, one of which is. So, what difference between cake soda and baking powder?

Both, soda cake and baking powder, have the same texture and color. Even so, the two are not the same, each of which has their respective reactions in the roasting process. Launching the Martha Stewart page, Sunday, August 11, the balancer explained the difference between the two.

Baking soda, also called baking soda or soda bicarbonate. This ingredient is sodium bicarbonate which is pure alkali, or base. While baking powder is a mixture of soda cakes plus sour ingredients, it is usually aired acid (krim Badminton). This cream is a dilution, such as Maizena flour.

These two chemicals are developer materials that are used to improve developments that occur when the liquid turns into steam during roasting, explained Dan Langan, teachers make professional cakes and cook bookwriters. Developer ingredients, both cake soda and baking powder, cause the dough to expand and also help roast food maintain its shape in the steamed oven and cake.

Baking soda, is a very useful ingredient. Because this material accelerates the process of browning and delays hardening the dough. So, in addition to helping the dough expand into a beautiful cake, the soft cake results are also obtained by adding cake soda.

However, it is important to know that cake soda and baking powder are not like yeast. Ragi also includes developer materials and takes hours to fermented and activated. If both ingredients have the same function of developing, it is more practical for cakes and glueballs.

"Baking soda reacts with acid liquid ingredients such as buttermilk, molasse, honey, lemon juice, and yogurt to produce carbon dioxide gas that makes grilled foods expand," said Yossy Arefi, baker and author of Snacking Cakes: Simple Recipes for Cookies, Bars, Brownies, Cakes, and More.

The chemical reaction is very fast, then produces the air bubbles needed for a smooth texture. The results are indeed wet so that the recipe with cake soda is the best to roast as soon as the dough is mixed.

Unlike cake soda, baking powder will react when mixed with any liquid, including a glass of water. Generally, cake soda contains four times as much powder as powdering powder. So when changing recipes, for example, 1 tablespoon of brewed powder, you just need to include 1 shot4 teaspoons of soda cake.

"Baking powder is suitable for more base-based recipes such as cakes made with Dutch processed cocoa powder or pastries that do not contain acid," said Arefi.

Baking soda can also be added when you use acid and want to neutralize the sour taste. For example, if your cake recipe uses buttermilk, using soda cake will neutralize the taste. Meanwhile, wearing a baking powder will give you a stronger taste.

Recipes that require soda cake also require sour ingredients, such as buttermilk, yogurt, chocolate, and/or brown sugar. Streusel banana bread is one example; Brown date cake is another example. As well as its ability to blend, this ingredient is almost always used in chip cake recipes, such as nastar, castengel, and cookies. Recipes that use cake soda and baking powder, usually includeiri.

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