JAKARTA - Breakfast is the first meal after a long break from the last meal at night. This break that can take up to 12 hours makes the body need energy so that the metabolic system in the body can work again.

Therefore, an internal medicine specialist, dr. Rudy Kurniawan Sp.PD Dip.TH, MM, MARS said breakfast with carbohydrates is still needed to help prepare the body's metabolism. "In fact, in the morning, it is hoped that food will be starchy, which is like flour, carbohydrates must still exist, because it is the longest distance at the last time we eat," said Rudy, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, August 2. The recommended absorption remains in accordance with the Ministry of Health's rules, namely the contents of the plate. "So still the carbohydrates are there, protein is there, the fats are also there. Choose healthier fats especially," he said. Sugar, salt and fat intake is also needed but still has to be within its natural limit, said Rudy. This intake can be inserted in a snacking session during a lunch break to lunch or lunch to dinner. "There is something that suggests 2 times, a break between breakfast to day, and afternoon. The safest is the fruit. Or yes, eat other relatively healthier foods, cakes, for example whole grains, something that is not too sweet," he said.

Carbohydrates are also needed in people who do regular exercise. He also suggests always moving so that carbohydrates do not become stored calories and settle into fats. Carbohydrates that are not burned properly, can turn into excess fats and sugar in the body which causes the emergence of metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Rudy said, not infrequently at the age of 20 many who have been exposed to type 2 diabetes because of their sedential lifestyle but still consume too much rice. "Starting from fat, then from lubricant motion, so that muscles don't wake up well, fat is more dominant, it increases oxidative stress, there are metabolic pathways that are disrupted, eventually insulin resistance, eventually leads to diabetes," explained Rudy.

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