JAKARTA - Drugs prescribed by doctors are sometimes offered to help a person cope with anxiety. But if you're looking for something natural, you have a choice. There are some home therapy to deal with anxiety that can be tried. Let's see the next explanation below.

Physical activity has many health benefits. Whether it's a walk or a run for a mile, research shows exercise helps reduce anxiety symptoms, especially when combined with psychotherapy and in some cases, with treatment. If you don't like strenuous exercise, you can try yoga. Which has also been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Caffeine is stimulant and consuming caffeine while anxious it will only make you feel more restless. In addition, caffeine can also cause some physical symptoms such as an increase in heart rate and shaking that can make you think you are having a panic attack.

Research has also shown that, in some people who live with mental health disorders, caffeine can increase symptoms of anxiety. If you are accustomed to drinking large amounts of caffeine, it is better to limit this intake slowly in order to avoid symptoms of break-up that are common if you don't eat caffeine.

Nikotin and other chemicals in cigarette smoke have been shown to change the pathway in your brain that is associated with anxiety. A 2013 study also shows that the sooner you start smoking, the higher the chance of developing anxiety disorders in the future.

Humor and laughter can provide many benefits to your physical and mental health, including reducing stress and anxiety levels. Laughing and humor can help reduce levels of stress hormones, including cortisol, dopamine, and epinephrine. At the same time, this can increase the production of endorphins or pleasure hormones.

When you don't get enough vitamin D, the level of serotonin in the body decreases. Serotonin is an mood-enhancing hormone that can make you feel calmer and more focused. Research shows that vitamin D deficiency can be associated with anxiety and depression disorders, quoted from Psych Central, Wednesday, July 24.

The best way to increase vitamin D levels is to spend time outdoors. You can get 15 to 30 minutes of midday sunlight, at least 4 times a week if possible. It's best to use sunscreen to prevent sun shocks. Or it can also be by eating fatty fish, mushrooms, and foods rich in vitamin D.

Chamomile and lavender are two teas known for their ease of anxiety. Chamomile is often referred to as a mild sedative and sleep trigger because it contains an antioxidants called apigenin. Apigenin is believed to bind receptors in your brain, which can reduce anxiety and help you sleep. For centuries, lavender has been used as a natural drug to reduce anxiety and calm your nerves.

Magnesium is an important mineral in the human body. It plays a role in more than 300 enzyme reactions and helps maintain muscle and nerve function, blood pressure, and immune system. Several studies have also found that magnesium supplements can help reduce anxiety symptoms, including those related to PMS.

Omega-3 fat plays an important role in brain health as a whole, but your body does not produce it yourself. Instead, you get all omega-3 fatty acids through food by eating foods such as fish or hemp seeds. Research, including meta-analytics in 2018 and a 2018 review study, found that omega-3 in the form of fish oil supplements can help relieve anxiety.

L-theane is an amino acid found in green or black tea. There is some evidence to suggest that this is a mild sedative or anti-anxiety. That can help reduce your stress response and cortisol levels.

Vitamin B is a group of eight different nutrients that work together in the body to regulate the body's processes, including stress responses. Most people can get enough of this vitamin through a variety of foods, but if you are a vegetarian or vegan, you may find it more difficult to get vitamins B12 and B2 (riboflavin).

A 2017 study found that people with low blood vitamin B12 levels are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety or depression. This is why you might want to consider adding these vitamins.

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