YOGYAKARTA - What is the indications of continuous hiccups? Maybe some people are wondering about this. Although hiccups are generally not dangerous, if they last for a long time they can be a sign of a condition or disease.
Hiccups are the effect of sudden contractions of the diaphragm muscle. The sound that occurs during hiccups occurs because the vocal cords close during the muscle contraction.
In general, hiccups will stop on their own. However, in certain conditions, hiccups can occur continuously or for a long time. This condition should receive serious attention because it can be a sign of a disease or certain medical condition.
What does continuous hiccups indicate?
Things that trigger hiccups are related to eating patterns. For example, eating too much, eating too hot or too cold, swallowing air while chewing, or consuming carbonated drinks.
Hiccups can also be triggered by several other factors, such as sudden changes in weather, stress, or being too excited.
Although generally not dangerous, persistent hiccups that last more than two days should be immediately investigated. There are several conditions that can cause persistent hiccups, including:
- Pregnancy
- Hiatus hernia
- Electrolyte disturbances
- Essophageal reflux (GERD)
- Irritation of the eardrum due to foreign objects
- Sore throat
- Enlarged thyroid gland
- Tumors or cysts in the throat
Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, kidney failure, Parkinson's disease, cancer, or side effects of chemotherapy can also be triggers for persistent hiccups. In addition, central nervous system disorders can cause the body to be unable to control hiccups.
Medical procedures, such as bronchoscopy procedures on the lungs, use of catheters on the heart muscle, and tracheostomy procedures on the neck, can cause uncontrollable hiccups. Even unhealthy lifestyles, such as excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, can also trigger persistent hiccups.
How to Overcome Continuous Hiccups?
If the hiccups you are experiencing are not caused by a certain medical condition, you can do several things below to overcome hiccups:
- Suck or drink lemon water to stimulate the nervous system that regulates breathing
- Breathe into a paper bag
- Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale slowly
- Drink warm or cold water to relax the muscles of the diaphragm
- Gargle
If hiccups persist for more than three hours, consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will provide treatment according to the cause. If hiccups are caused by GERD, the doctor will prescribe medication to reduce stomach acid production.
In addition, if someone experiences hiccups that are quite severe and chronic, the doctor will prescribe chlorpromazine or haloperidol. Anticonvulsants, such as valproic acid, phenytoin, and carbamazepine, or anti-vomiting drugs, such as metoclopramide, can also be prescribed by a doctor.
If these treatments do not work, the doctor will recommend an injection of local anesthetic into the nerve between the neck and chest. The next treatment option is to place an implant to provide mild electrical stimulation to the nerve to stop the continuous hiccups.
Hiccups are a body reaction that is generally harmless and can go away on its own. However, continuous hiccups cannot be ignored and must be treated immediately. Therefore, see a doctor immediately if you experience them.
Thus the explanation of hiccups that occur continuously and the treatment that can be done. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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