YOGYAKARTA The principle of minimalism with simplicity builds goodness both physically and mentally. Minimism is about eliminating excesses to focus on what is truly important in home, mind, and relationship. This principle is not only implemented in organizing the room, for example. But also for the whole life to gain meaning and satisfaction.

In terms of relationship, the principle of minimalism can help improve relationships with others. This principle focuses on greater clarity, peace, and satisfaction. Physically, the principle of minimalism results in a more organized, calm, stress-reducing, and increasing productivity.

Psychologically, it can encourage attention and intensionality, improve mental clarity, and reduce anxiety. In a social environment, minimalism fosters relationships in depth and quality instead of quantity. For this reason, here's how to improve relationships by implementing minimalist principles.

The principle based on intensionality involves taking deliberate choices about what to keep and what to throw away in life. This is done with a focus on what is really important.

This prioritizes activities, commitments, and relationships that add added value and bring joy, as well as eliminate things that do not contribute meaningfully to welfare. In implementing minimalist principles, such as investing in time and energy for positive things.

Just like when we clean up the room, it's clear that American psychologist Mark way, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, June 19. Combining emotional life to improve relationships is also necessary. Emotional burdens, can severely burden our interactions with others. Practical steps to do so, first, by identifying emotional chaos. Second, forgiveness and let go of hate help free from negative things.

This third principle encourages us to invest in meaningful memories and moments. When applied to relationships, it will significantly improve interpersonal relationships. For example, by traveling together or simply spending quality time creating meaningful memories. In addition, it is important to reduce the tendency ofnicity.

In a study involving 1,300 married people, researchers found that a high skill correlated with the low value of marriage and marriage satisfaction was low. So, shift the focus from obtaining material goods to appreciating every experience that will reduce the dynamics of competition triggered by fire.

Through the explanation above, it is important to understand that with minimalist principles we can appreciate the beauty of simplicity and the strength of true human relations.

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