YOGYAKARTA - Conflicts sometimes occur in a society, whether due to individual feuds with individuals, groups with groups, or individuals with groups. The commotion in a case is prone to triggering divisions and hostility.

Conflicts can arise in small spheres such as individuals, and can occur in large realms such as war between countries. Social conflicts within the community need to be avoided in order to maintain harmony and so as not to damage relations.

To prevent conflict, there are two ways that can be done, namely repressive and preventive actions. Preventive efforts are the earliest steps that must be started by each person to avoid conflict. What is the preventive way to prevent conflict?

Prevention of conflict or feuds must start from the awareness of each individual. Preventive actions taken by individuals and groups can minimize the potential for conflict. Here are some preventive ways to prevent conflicts that you can apply:

One way to prevent conflict is through education and increased awareness. Everyone needs to be equipped with knowledge and understanding of differences in religion, culture, perspective, and values that can trigger conflict.

Improving public awareness can be done through education, training to promote tolerance, problem solving skills, and appreciation for diversity.

Another preventive way to prevent conflict is through law enforcement and participation in efforts to protect human rights (HAM). Each party, both public and government, needs to play a role in implementing the law fairly, wisely, and transparently.

The law enforcement system must be made as well as possible and implemented consistently and firmly. In addition, the application of the law must be to protect against discrimination, ensure a transparent court, and support freedom of expression.

Another preventive way to prevent conflict is through economic and social development. This form of development aims to reduce gaps, injustices, and tensions that can trigger conflict.

The government's institutional development process needs to be carried out in transparency, accountability, and strength. This action is also an effort to prevent conflicts. In addition, the institutions that are built should involve the wider community and support each group in society.

The next preventive way to prevent conflict is through diplomacy and dialogue. Each individual needs to build effective communication with others. This effective communication can involve negotiations, mediation, diplomacy, as well as open dialogue to facilitate problem solving.

The last preventive way to prevent conflict is to manage natural resources in a sustainable manner, especially in areas prone to conflict due to resources. Both the community and the government need to pay attention to issues related to natural resources, such as the use of land, forests, water, and energy.

How to prevent conflict can run if each individual has the awareness to build and maintain unity. Efforts to prevent conflict are contained in Article 6 paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2012 concerning Handling Social Conflicts, as follows:

As individuals in society and citizens, we can take attitudes and actions to prevent conflicts from happening. Several preventive measures that can start from oneself, including living tolerate and respect each other, pay attention, resolve disputes peacefully, and others.

Those are some preventive ways to prevent conflict that can be applied. Conflict prevention efforts must start from self-awareness to live in a peaceful society, tolerance, and uphold the principles of democracy. Also read the history of Iran-Israeli relations.

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