JAKARTA - Having empathy or the ability of a person to understand other people's feelings, desires and thoughts, is one of the characteristics of a person who is emotionally intelligent.

Psychologist Dr. Rose Mini, AP, M.Psi revealed that to have empathy a person needs to put himself in someone else's life.

"For example, when you are angry with us. We have to understand why our mother acts like that," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

Rose said that emotional intelligence plays an 80 percent role in the success of a person's life in society. "Success in society is not only based on IQ. IQ only plays a role of 20 percent, while 80 percent of others are contributed by emotional intelligence," he said.

In addition, empathy, According to Rose, a person can be said to be emotionally intelligent when mastering four other things, namely being able to recognize self-emotion.

"I'm sad, happy, I have to be detected by him. Otherwise, he will be easy to stop, upset, easily depressed," he said.

Then, continued the psychologist, it is the ability to control emotions. According to him, someone who finds it difficult to control emotions when angry will vent it on objects or other people directly.

Another thing is the ability to motivate themselves that are often lost in people.

"If people can't motivate themselves, they can become apathy, but that motivation sometimes likes to disappear. Our job is to revive that," said Rose. Then, continued Rose, emotional intelligence also relates to the way a person builds relationships between one another.

Rose said that even if someone is smart, if they are unable to interact or cooperate with other people, their social success will be slow.

According to Rose, not everyone has emotional intelligence. Therefore, the role of the environment is very much needed to help those who have problems in their emotional intelligence.

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