Sugar Consumption Can Cause Acne, Know The Relationship
Illustration (Larissa Farber/Pexels)

JAKARTA - The idea that sugar can cause acne has been around for a long time. Consumption of sugar can accidentally increase the risk of acne on a number of indirect reasons.

"Going to increase the total amount of inflammation in our bodies, including on the skin," said Brooke Jeffy, MD, a certified dermatologist based in Scottsdale, Arizona, written on the Well and Good page, reported by ANTARA.

He said this inflammation had a negative impact on skin protection, making us more susceptible to acne. Sugar intake also increases insulin, which causes increased oil production in the skin, says Dr. Jeffy. This excess oil then traps dead skin cells in pores and can cause inflammation and acne.

So, no, sugar doesn't directly cause acne, but of course creates an environment that makes acne more likely. Meanwhile, Scottsdale-based certified dermatologist Arizona Brooke Jeffy, MD says the key to skin health lies in your gut health.

"The gut microbioma communicates directly with the skin microbiome, so what you consume in food plays a key factor in your skin health," says Dr. Boakye.

Boakye said that based on research, it shows that if a person consumes a low-fiber diet, it can worsen a series of inflammatory diseases such as acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.

If you eat a lot of sugar or dairy products, or anything with a high glycemic index, the insulin hormone that helps you process that sugar and convert it into energy will soar.

These hormones play a major role in the health of your skin, and some people are more sensitive to these hormone fluctuations than others. If you're worried about sugar intake and its effect on your skin, it's important to remember that, in general, refined sugar is considered harder for your skin than natural sugar (for example, soda wine vs. native wine).

Golds of raffination have a high glycemic index, which can cause increased insulin levels and cause acne, said Dr. Boakye. But again, moderation and balance are the keys to your skin health (and overall health).

While there is no evidence that sugar can cause acne directly, sugar can trigger hormonal flows that can create environments susceptible to excess oil and clogged pores. But stopping from consuming sugar alone will not make your skin perfectly smooth.

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