JAKARTA - Wednesday, March 3, the CBS television channel released the latest promo video for the special Oprah with Meghan and Harry. This two-hour interview features Oprah's talk with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for the first time.
Short but sharp, that's what can be summed up in this 31-second video. Oprah asks Markle about the reaction of the Royal family regarding Markle speaking the truth in the interview.
"I don't know how they think after all this we will stay silent if there is an active role from a party perpetuating the lies about us".
"And if that comes with the risk of losing a lot of things, there's a lot that is already missing", says Meghan Markle.
A number of CBS promotional videos are being discussed in the UK. In several teasers that have been released, there is talk about Markle's feud with the British media and how they bully Markle.
"You guys talk a lot of surprising things here", said Oprah in the first teaser. Oprah doesn't hesitate to ask questions about their decision to leave the Royal family.
"I feel relieved and happy to sit here talking to you with my wife because I can't imagine how she felt going through this process alone all these years ago", Prince Harry said referring to Princess Diana.
Apart from the controversy over their departure from the Royal family, Meghan will also talk about their social activities, marriage, motherhood, and their lives under public pressure. After that, in the middle of the interview, Prince Harry will join Markle and Oprah.
Oprah with Meghan and Harry will air on March 7 at 8 PM US time on CBS.
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