Portrait Of The Happiness Of Papuan Children Enjoying Milk And Eggs For Nutrition Improvement
Papuan children (ist)

JAKARTA - The charming land is often dubbed a small paradise at the end of Indonesia. Papua is known for its beauty and natural wealth as well as the unique culture and traditions of its indigenous peoples. Over the past decade, the government has tried to open up many accesses to Papua.

However, there are still areas that are not easily accessible, as experienced by the Kuali Merah Putih team, which is supported by Wafer Tango in an action to share happiness with the Papuan people, which has been running since the end of January 2024.

At the end of January 2024, the Kuali Merah Putih team, supported by Wafer Tango, traveled to several areas in Papua. The Kuali Merah Putih team was led by Bobon Santoso, who is known as Chef Rakyat Indonesia, carried out a large portion of cooking action and then distributed it to Papuans in Merauke, Boven Digoel, Jayapura and Sorong.

Tahun 2024 ini kami merilis kampanye baru yaitu Rayakan Hidup Dengan Tango. Campaign ini mengajak konsumen agar tetap merayakan semua momen dalam hidup dengan rasa bahagia. Sehingga ketika tim Kuali Merah Putih mengajak Wafer Tango berkolaborasi berhargagia masyarakat Papua kami menyambutnya dengan baik. Kami membagikan ribuan paket Wafer dan Susu Tango sebagai pendamping makalan makat yang diselenggarkan oleh tim Kuali Merah Putih. Kegiatan ini rencanakan akan berlang hingga bulan April 2024, jelas Harianus Zebua, Head of Corporate and Marketing Communication OT Group, melalui siaran pers dikutiptip Sabtu, 29 Maret.

In addition to cooking activities with the Kuali Merah Putih team, Wafer Tango also shared by supporting the activity of giving boiled eggs to children in Agats District, Asmat, South Papua, by the Indonesian Catholic Medical Community (KMKI).

"Since mid-May 2023, we from KMKI have given one boiled egg every day to children in Agats District with the aim of helping to meet protein needs for children who come from underprivileged families. Their parents are urban workers. There are more than fifty children every day," said drg. Yenny Yokung Yong, MDSc,SpPerio.

Pediatricians who have served for more than 17 years in Agats District of Papua. Giving eggs, especially chicken eggs to children, is very good. Because chicken eggs contain many nutrients for their growth and development. One egg is enough every day to help provide nutritional intake to children in Agats District," added dr. Abed R. Hernando,MSc, SpA, Yenny's fellow doctor who has served for more than 13 years in Agats District as a pediatrician.

"For the next 3 months, KMKI in addition to providing boiled eggs will also distribute Wafer and Tango Milk to these children. Wafers contain carbohydrates while milk contains the vitamins needed by children during their growth period. We hope that Indonesia's young generation in the future can become a healthy and intelligent generation so that it can contribute to building an advanced and prosperous Indonesia," said Harianus.

Previously, Wafer Tango had run the Tango Cares for Indonesian Children's Nutrition program for 7 years in the Nias Islands, North Sumatra and had helped overcome the problem of malnutrition there. "We hope that the Indonesian people support positive activities like this together with Wafer Tango. Share happiness by caring for others," concluded Harianus.

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