JAKARTA - Veronica Tan, Deputy Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, expressed her hope that the Free Nutrition Food Program (MBG) aimed at pregnant women can be the first step in an effort to prevent stunting in children.

"I am very enthusiastic about the program of providing nutritious food for pregnant women. Prevention of stunting must indeed start from pregnancy. Sometimes pregnant women forget that the fetus they give birth to requires good nutritional intake," Veronica said while attending the activity at Posyandu Dahlia 2, Susukan Village, Ciracas, East Jakarta, as quoted by ANTARA.

He explained that the first thousand days of life (1,000 HPK) period is a crucial period to prevent stunting. This period starts from pregnancy to a two-year-old child and is known as the golden period of growth and development of children.

This program is not only for pregnant women but also for breastfeeding mothers and children as an effort to prevent stunting. Education for mothers about the importance of balanced nutrition, including carbohydrates and protein, is needed so that children get the best nutrition," added Veronica.

During the activity which took place on Friday, Veronica Tan together with the Deputy Minister of Population and Family Development (Wamendukbangga) as well as Deputy Head of BKKBN, Ratu Isyana Bagoes Oka, also reviewed the distribution of MBG at Posyandu Dahlia 2. This program is intended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and toddlers.

Based on observations, the nutritious food menu distributed to beneficiaries includes white rice, soy sauce eggs, labus tumis with meatballs, oranges, and UHT milk measuring 115 ml.

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