JAKARTA - Mark O'Connell's musical walks for more than two decades with Taking Back Sunday are entering their end. The drummer announced his resignation on January 7.

This decision is certainly not taken overnight. In the statement he uploaded to Instagram, Mark said this was not an easy decision.

"After almost 25 years as drummer for Taking Back Sunday, I want to confirm that I am no longer with this band," reads Mark's message to his followers and fans.

"I need time to respond to this. Thank you for your patience as I reflect on how to share my story."

Although it is difficult to leave fans, Mark revealed that he is no longer able to undergo the current band conditions. He implies there is disharmony in the group, which forced him to leave.

"My departure was not an easy decision, and it was not completely my own decision. Over the last few years, I have focused on my family and personal growth, including being committed to my composure," he said.

"Unfortunately, during this time, I have not always felt the support of the people I consider as brothers and sisters, and creative differences make it difficult for me to move forward together," said the 43-year-old musician.

Furthermore, he can only hope that this decision will be the best option for him, Taking Back Sunday and also fans.

"Thus, I am grateful for the extraordinary memories with every one of my bandmates and all of you, as well as all the opportunities that have been along the way. I chose to focus on the good things as I stepped into the next round," he concluded.

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