YOGYAKARTA Low blood sugar content is called hypoglycemia which turns out to be very dangerous because it affects many body systems. But many people do not recognize the symptoms, except routinely checking sugar levels. Sugar, known as glucose, is needed for each cell to function properly. Starting from brain, heart, and digestive function, it is even needed in the performance of vision to skin health.

The most common reason that causes low blood sugar is to take blood sugar reduction drugs or diabetes drugs, such as insulin. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. Whereas in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin so the body cannot use insulin properly. Too much insulin can also lower blood sugar levels.

Hypoglycemia also occurs in diabetics. There are also those who are not diabetics experiencing it but are rare. Another cause that may cause hypoglycemia, is drinking too much alcoholic beverages especially over a long period of time. This can cause liver disorders to manage glucose buildup and release in blood flow when requiring it. Other causes include kidney disorders, hepatitis, liver disease, nervosa anorexia, pancreatic tumors, adrenal gland disorders, and sepsis due to severe infection.

When blood sugar levels are low, body cells lack energy. At first, mild symptoms may be felt. Like hunger or headaches. But if you experience this and blood sugar levels don't rise on time, it's a risk of serious complications. To keep blood sugar from rising too high, precise amounts of insulin is needed. If insulin is sufficient, sometimes sugar will rise. But too much insulin, it also causes blood sugar to drop rapidly.

Insulin is released by the pancreas, which helps glucose be absorbed and used by body cells. If a person suffers from diabetes and depends on insulin, insulin must be obtained in the right amount so that glucose can be managed and functioning properly.

Blood sugar content will also drop when a few hours are not eating. But if the pancreas is healthy, it will release a hormone called glucagon to replace eating shortages. This hormone will also tell the liver to process the stored sugar and release it into the bloodstream. Launching Healthline, Thursday, January 9, if all goes as it should, blood sugar levels remain in the normal range until the next meal time.

Blood sugar levels that are less than normal cause the heart to beat fast and beat. But for diabetics, they may experience symptoms of low blood sugar for unclear reasons. That's why blood sugar levels are low or hypoglycemia that are not realized are potentially dangerous.

If low blood sugar levels occur too often, the body may stop releasing the stress hormone. This is referred to as an autonomous failure related to hypoglycemia, or hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure (HAAF). That's why it's very important to check your blood sugar levels very often.

Symptoms of low blood sugar levels are characterized by extraordinary hunger. But it could also be the other way around, despite the hunger for lost interest in eating. Low blood sugar levels can also cause various problems in the central nervous system. Initial symptoms include weakness, dizziness, and dizziness. It should be understood, headaches can occur due to glucose deficiency, especially for diabetics.

A person with hypoglycemia may also feel signs of stress. Like nervous, anxious, easily offended. If hypoglycemia occurs at night, may have nightmares, cry while sleeping, or other sleep disorders. In addition, here are the symptoms that may be experienced when blood sugar levels are low:

Low blood sugar that is not treated is very dangerous. This condition can cause seizures, loss of consciousness, and cause death. So it is very important, especially for diabetics, to check blood sugar not only when experiencing symptoms but regularly.

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