YOGYAKARTA - One of the myths about pregnancy that is still believed by some people is recognizing the sign of pregnancy from the navel. Some people believe that pressing the navel can help you find out signs of pregnancy. So what are the characteristics of a pregnant woman's navel?

In addition to the myth, changes in the condition of the navel will usually occur physically when the woman is pregnant. The condition of the navel in pregnant women is different compared to before pregnancy.

Changes in the condition of pregnant women's navels occur due to an enlargement of pressure from within the stomach. This pressure is grown by the growth of the fetus in the womb. So what are the characteristics of pregnant people's navels and what affects them?

Changes in the navel during pregnancy are caused by various factors related to fetal growth, increased hormones, and so on. Here are some reasons why the condition of the navel changes when pregnant:

Although it is often taken lightly, changes to the navel can actually be an indicator of pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester. Here are some signs or characteristics of changing the navel in pregnant women:

One of the hallmarks of the navel when pregnant is that it starts to stand out. This condition usually occurs in the second trimester. When the fetus grows rapidly and the uterus gets bigger, it puts pressure on the belly wall.

This pressure makes the navel, which was originally flat or into it, look more prominent. However, not all pregnant women experience this change. This condition depends on the shape of the navel and elasticity of each individual's skin.

Changes in skin tone around the navel are often experienced by pregnant women. This is due to an increase in melanin hormone production during the pregnancy period experienced by women. .

This hormone enhancement also affects other areas of the body such as the face and nipples. Embezzlement of skin color is usually more clearly seen in pregnant women with darker skin.

Vertical dark lines, known as linea nigra, often appear around the navel and stretch from the pubic bone to the top of the stomach. This change in condition can indicate a woman is experiencing pregnancy.

The linea nigra line is caused by hormonal changes that stimulate increased pigmentation in the skin. The linea nigra usually starts to appear in the second trimester of pregnancy and will fade a few months after giving birth.

During pregnancy, the skin around the navel can become more sensitive due to stretching that occurs. Some pregnant women may feel itching, mild pain, or even uncomfortable sensations when they touch the area. This is normal and will usually subside along with the development of pregnancy.

The skin around the navel that stretches often becomes dry or itchy. These symptoms are actually the body's natural reaction to changes in the shape of the stomach that is getting bigger.

To relieve these symptoms, pregnant women can use moisturizers or special oils. In addition to easing itching, the use also maintains skin moisture.

Not only does it stand out, the shape of the tomb can also change depending on the condition of the pregnancy. Some pregnant women may experience navels that become wider or slightly elongated. This condition occurs because the pressure of the uterus is getting bigger driving the navel and surrounding areas.

Those are the characteristics of the navel of pregnant women that are usually experienced by women in the first semester of pregnancy. Observing changes in the navel can help you recognize signs of pregnancy. Also read the benefits of kelor leaves for pregnant women.

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