JAKARTA - Aritmia is a heart rhythm disorder, which causes the heart rate to become irregular, too fast or slow. The most common Aritmia found in society is atrium fibrillation (FA).
Atrium fibrillation is a condition when a heart attack (atrium) pulses very quickly and irregularly. This condition increases the risk of blood clots that can result in stroke, and heart failure.
Some of the causes of the FA are electrolyte disorder, thyroid disorders, excessive stress to hypertension. Judging from gender, men are more at risk of being exposed to the FA than women.
Aritmia expert at Heartology Cardiovascular Hospital, Dr. dr. Dicky Armein Hanafy, Sp.JP(K) said men are more at risk because they do not have hormonal protection, which is owned by women. This allows men to experiencetors' heartsighter, calcification, and hypertension faster, which can lead to the FA.
"Sebagai laki-laki memang risiko lebih tinggi. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan hal itu, ya salah satunya cardiacimal yang lebih dinih daripada perempuan," kata Dokter Dicky saat temu media pada Rabu, 8 Januari.
"The occurrence of calcification of blood vessels is also higher in men, it is a risk factor for hypertension, the stiffness of blood vessels, which are not protected by the hormones that exist in women," he added.
Hormonal protection can make blood vessels more elastic, so that calcification and blood clots will occur more slowly in women than men.
"This hormonal protection means that the blood vessels are more elastic, there is slower calcification than men," he said.
However, that does not mean that women are not at risk at all exposed to the FA. The age factor is also an important role, which is getting older, the risk of being exposed to the FA is getting higher.
Not only that, a lifestyle also greatly affects a person whether they are exposed to the FA or not. An unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking and a messy diet, can be at risk of being exposed to the FA.
Not to mention lifestyle factors, such as smoking. The point is everything depends on lifestyle. So that doesn't mean women are not at risk, it's just that men have a higher risk," continued Doctor Dicky.
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