Be Careful, Know 10 Signs Of Fake Friends That Can Lose You
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JAKARTA - Fake friends are people who pretend to care but don't really sincerely care about you. Fake friends also known as fake friends tend to act like friends only if it benefits them, said Aimee Daramus, PsyD, clinical psychologist at Clarity Clinic, Chicago.

Relying on fake friends will be very difficult because they won't show much support, empathy, or loyalty when you really need them. When you need something, fake friends suddenly become difficult to contact or can either suddenly disappear.

In this article, VOI will explain the ten signs of fake friends that you must be aware of if you don't want to harm yourself.

Inconsistency: Counterfeit friends tend to exist when they need something, but not when you need something, says Dr. Daramus. They may disappear or make excuses when you need them.

Participating: Your relationship with them may feel one-sided. For example, your conversations with them may only revolve around him, his life, and his opinion. They may not be too interested in what happened to you.

Unreliably: They may not be reliable and rarely keep their promises to you, says Dr. Daramus. You may find it difficult to rely on them in any way. For example, they might make plans with you and support you. Or, they might promise to help you do something and give up in the last minute, so you feel left alone.

Betrayers: Counterfeit friends tend to betray. When they are with other people, they are fun telling your bads. Even the worst thing is to spread rumors about you.

Disrespect: They may ignore, underestimate, mock, or embarrass you in front of others.

A painful behavior: They may deny you by saying or doing things that hurt you, but claim that they are trying to help you, says Dr. Daramus. For example, they may say: You look ugly in those clothes. I'm just honest and trying to help you.

Jealousy: They will feel threatened with your success and achievements. Instead of celebrating your achievements, fake friends will try to underestimate it or compete with you.

Conditional friendship: Their friendship often depends on what they can get from you, whether it's social status, property, monetary gain, or other types of profits. Once they reach their goal, your interest in friends is reduced.

Manipulation: They may use guilt, manipulation, or emotional extortion to get what they want from you.

Neglected boundaries: Counterfeit friends will also constantly go beyond or ignore your boundaries, be it private space, privacy, or emotional boundaries.

Fake friends take something more than they give you, while promising that they are true friends. They will tell you about their concern, but it's actually just your weapon.

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