YOGYAKARTA The priority of reading the Koran in the month of Ramadan is one of the reasons why Muslims compete to recite the Koran. Usually reading the Qur'an verse is done after the Fajr prayer or after performing Tarawih prayers.

Please note that one of the important events in the month of Ramadan is Nuzulul Quran, which is the derivative of the Qur'an verse for the first time. In addition, worship carried out in the month of Ramadan will receive multiples of rewards compared to normal days.

There are many virtues of reading the Koran, including those related to rewards. Here are some of the priorities.

Hadith, a history of Ibnu Mas'ud, quoted from the NU Online website, explained that someone who reads one letter of the Koran will get ten goodness.

Dirwaykan dari Ibnu Mas'ud,- dia bilang bahwa Rasulullah Saw,- telah berbanda; siapapun siapa membaca satu huruf dari Al-Qur'an kitabullah, maka baginya satu kebaikan oleh Allah Ta'ala dengan ten kebaik, tidak dikatakan Alif Lam Mim satu huruf, akan tetapi Alif satu huruf, Lam satu huruf dan Mim satu huruf. (HR At-Timidzi).

Pahala is the reason why many Muslims must know easy ways to khatam Al-Quran.

Rasulullah SAW also gave advice to his followers to read the Koran. Because the Qur'an verse will be a companion to the reader on the Day of the End. This is in line with the words of the Prophet Muhammad, which was narrated by Abi Umamah.

Dirwaykan dari Abi Umamah, dia mengatakan bahwa aku telah mendengar Rasulullah Saw berbda; Berhitanya Al-Qur'an, sebenarnya dia akan datang di hari kemataan sebagai syafaat orang yang membacakannya. (HR. Imam Muslim)

The priority of the Koran is not only given to each individual, but will be given to the readers who read it as a group. In fact, everyone will feel priority. This is like the Hadith of Abu Hurairah's history.

From Abu Hurairah, from the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he said, 'Not a group of people gather in a house of worship, read the Qur'an and study it in their midst, but rather peace falls in their midst, grace surrounds them, the angel houses them, and Allah calls them in the midst of people on His side.' (HR Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ahmad, and Al-Baihaqi).

Quoted from the muhammadiyah.or.id site, reading the Koran can also be a form of investment in the hereafter. The Koran will also provide benefits for its readers. This is according to a statement from the hadith delivered by Abu Umamah Al Bahilit.

Read the Koran, then in fact it will come on Heroes' Day as a blessing for its experts (that is, people who read, study and practice it). (HR. Muslim).

On the website of Suara Muhammadiyah, it is said, Abdillah ibnu Buridah al-Aslamiy, from his father, he said that the Prophet SAW was abdicate;

Anyone who reads the Koran, studies it and practices it, then it is worn to his parents on the day of the crown from the light that is like sunlight, and worn to his parents two jewelry whose value is incomparable to that in the world.

His parents also asked: Why can it be used to us all this form of honor? So he answered: Because your son has brought (holding fast to) the Koran. (HR. Judge, shahih according to Muslim conditions).

Reading the Koran does not only provide benefits for readers but also for people who care about the reader.

That's information related to the priority of reading the Koran in the month of Ramadan. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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