JAKARTA - Caring for facial skin is not only a woman's need, but also important for men. Many male celebrities, including actor and presenter Tarra Budiman, who routinely maintain the health of their skin to stay fresh and problem-free.

Tarra shares simple tips that she applies in her daily life, ranging from a healthy lifestyle to the use of skin care products that match her skin type.

"The most important thing is that there is sufficient rest and a maintained diet. If you don't sleep, especially if you're shooting until morning, usually the skin will be easy to acne," Tarra said at an event in Jakarta, recently as quoted by ANTARA.

Tarra revealed that he was lucky to have a skin type that was not too sensitive, so his routine of treatment was quite simple. "I usually wash my face, then use a serum. That alone is enough for me," added the husband of Gya Sadiqah.

However, to maintain the moisture of his skin, Tarra still uses a light moisturizer and according to his needs. In addition, before doing activities outside the home, he also always applies sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 to protect the skin from exposure to the sun.

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