JAKARTA A rare and functioning Apple-1 computer has just been sold in auction at a fantastic price of US$375,000 (Rp6.18 billion). Apple-1 is the first computer sold by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Currently, because the number is very limited, its value is increasing in the collector market.
Dubbed "Bayville" Apple-1, this computer is listed as number 91 on Apple-1 Registry. There are only 104 Apple-1 units whose whereabouts are still known, making them a very rare collectible.
This is included in the first batch of Apple-1 which was sold in 1976. Owned a handwritten serial number possibly written directly by Steve Jobs.
Equipped with the original manual containing Daniel Kottke's handwritten note, Apple's 12th employee.
The auction titled "Steve Jobs and the Apple Revolution" also presents various other historical items:
- Check Apple in 1976 which was signed by Steve Jobs 112,054 US dollars.
- The first generation 4GB iPhone is sealed at $ 87,514.
- Another check signed by Steve Jobs was USD 62,500.
- Apple Lisa's computer 56,818 US dollars.
The total revenue from this auction reached 1,308,251 US dollars.
Apple-1: A History
Apple-1 was Apple's first computer in 1976. With a simple but revolutionary design, this computer became the forerunner of the private computer industry we know today. With fewer units remaining, Apple-1's auction price continues to rise, reflecting the historical value and legacy of Apple's innovation.
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