JAKARTA - The modest fashion industry in Indonesia continues to grow rapidly, along with the increasing public interest in clothing that prioritizes cultural and polite values.

As part of efforts to support the growth of this industry, Ramadan Rhapsody 2025 was officially held at Main Atrium, Ground Floor, Pakuwon City Mall Bekasi on Saturday, March 22, 2025. This event took place from March 18 to April 13, 2025, featuring fashion shows from leading designers, talk shows, workshops, music performances, continuous art exhibitions, and exhibitions.

The choice of the name Ramadan Rhapsody has a special meaning. The chairman of Fashion Rhapsody, Ariy Arka, explained that this event aims to build harmonious relations between individuals and groups with diverse backgrounds, both in terms of ethnicity, race, religion, and culture.

"Through this spirit of diversity, Ramadan Rhapsody carries the theme "Ramadan in Harmony", which reflects the atmosphere of peace, togetherness, and balance during the holy month of Ramadan," he explained at a press conference on Ramadan Rhapsody 2025 at Pakuwon Mall Bekasi, recently.

More than 30 designers and 24 MSMEs participated in this event, bringing a collection with unique modest clothing characteristics.

On the same occasion, the Chief Executive of Ramadan Rhapsody, Leny Rafael, emphasized that this event is a forum for Indonesian fashion actors and lovers, especially in Bekasi, to express their creativity in welcoming the day of victory.

One of the main highlights of Ramadan Rhapsody is the fashion show featuring the works of a number of well-known fashion designers that will be displayed.

They are Ariy Arka, Ayu Dyah Andari, Dana, Erdan, Kunce Mandualessy, Lenny Rafael, Rudy Chandra, Yoyok Prasetyo, and others. The fashion modest industry in Indonesia continues to grow rapidly and has great potential to become the center of world Muslim mode. Through Ramadan Rhapsody, fashion industry players are given the opportunity to present innovative works that reflect the values of Ramadan.

In addition to fashion shows, Ramadan Rhapsody also presented various interesting performances, including performances from Anneth Delliecia, Maria Calista, Ihsan Tarore, and other artists.

Visitors can also enjoy cultural attractions such as Tari Tanoura, Rampak Bedug, music performances, as well as parades ofTEN characters, Putri Jasmine, and camels that will provide a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors.

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