YOGYAKARTA The presence that makes an impression is not just because of physical appearance. More than that, one's skills actually make them much more attractive. According to certified relationship teacher Marilyn Orr, skills are not only beneficial in the business world. In love relationships or romantic relationships, the skills that make it look much more interesting are below, also contribute greatly.

Instead of sharing attention with gadgets, when talking to people closest to you, it is important to be present fully. This skill, it turns out, also needs to be trained. Especially if you are used to constantly checking gadget notifications. Orr's advice, paying full attention to those closest to you, or your partner, whether cognitively or emotionally, makes them feel heard and understood. This skill, encourages your partner to be closer.

Research shows that it is less effective for others. So try asking your partner questions when he is facing a problem. This makes your partner feel you are in an important position in his life. Especially if you help find the best strategy to solve problems and progress.

Curious is closely related to curiosity. With curiosity, it allows you to ask questions and dialogue to work dynamically. It is also important to avoid assumptions and judge. Better, make your partner feel safe so that they remain open to you.

Everyone has different characters and ways of speaking and language choices. But because they are committed together, both parties must adapt to each other. Including communicating in an effective language, easy to understand, and adjusting communication to build a better connection.

Assertive attitudes are not aggression, this is the ability to know what they think, feel, and communicate them well without harming others. Launching YourTango, Tuesday, March 19, sometimes we hold back for various reasons. Not even trying to convey ideas wisely and friendlyly. That is, communicating firmly makes communication run easily.

This may be a different context when at home or at work. In the workplace there are achievements, praise, certificates, and bonuses. But in a couple relationship, it's important to pay attention to small things that should be appreciated. For example, couples who have prepared dinner, thank you. This is one simple example of how to recognize your partner's efforts.

Like a company, relationships also need to be wise in developing and improving sustainable skills. Like listening well, dealing with conflict in a productive way, and learning how to get out the best versions of people around you. To develop this skill, a proactive attitude is needed in relationships.

That's the skill that makes a person look much more attractive. With the skills above, you can build a warm romantic relationship. Besides also building communication in a healthy relationship.

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