When Body Protein Levels Are Very Low, Recognize Symptoms And Causes Of Hypoproteinemia
Illustration of symptoms and causes of very low levels of body protein or hypoproteinemia (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Too low or the high amount of protein in the blood affects overall health. Hypoproteinemia is a condition where the level of protein in the blood is too low. Symptoms of hypoproteinemia can be recognized when you are easily tired, your body is weak, and susceptible to infection. So how to prevent hypoproteinemia, namely by consuming enough protein food.

For the body, protein is very important. Its role is significant in forming bones, muscles, skin, and almost every body organ requires protein. Proteins are obtained by the body through food. However, protein from food cannot be stored by the body for a long time. So there are recommendations to meet daily needs of protein food.

In developing countries, hypoproteinemia is rare. But people who go through certain diets can experience it. A person with hypoproteinemia, experiencing weakness and fatigue. Although the symptoms vary, ranging from mild to severe, reported Medical News Today, Tuesday, March 5, including:

However, it turns out that the symptoms of the body's protein deficiency can also be a sign of suffering from other diseases. Including anemia or immune system problems. So to confirm the diagnosis, it is important to check with a doctor to do a number of medical tests before receiving treatment and treatment recommendations.

Health conditions affect the digestive system or absorption and the use of protein from food. This turns out to cause a person to experience hypoproteinemia. More specifically, here are the causes of hypoproteinemia:

Limiting the strict intake of protein foods can cause the body to lack protein. Hypoproteinemia can be directly related to a person's diet, especially if a person does not consume enough calories or avoid certain food groups.

In addition, women during pregnancy need more protein than usual. This protein is for fetal development. If you don't get enough calories from a protein source, you will be at risk of developing hypoproteinemia. People with anorexia Nervosa and bulimia Nervosa, also often don't get enough protein. Add more people who are on a strict diet.

The heart plays an important role in processing proteins in the body. If the role is not optimal, or the liver does not function normally, it may not get enough protein. This can happen to people with liver disorders, including hepatitis and cirrhosis.

The kidneys function to filter waste from the blood and then remove it through the urine. If the kidneys do not function properly, it will leave the protein in the bloodstream. This may occur in people with hypertension, diabetes, and certain kidney disease. As a result, it will experience a combination of hypoproteinemia and protein or protein in urine.

Autoimmune disease, called Celiac, occurs when the immune system wrongly attacks cells in the small intestine. This reaction occurs when a person consumes foods containing gluten or protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. This autoimmune damage causes reduced nutritional absorption, including protein.

Inflammatory intestinal disease occurs when the small intestine has inflammation. In this part of the small intestine, the body breaks many important nutrients and absorbs them. Damage to the small intestine can cause malnutrition, including hypoproteinemia.

Because it is caused by many factors, it is important to undergo tests and get medical diagnostics. Especially when experiencing hypoproteinemia symptoms that have been described above.

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