YOGYAKARTA People who are pessimistic usually have a gloomy or skeptical view. They also often sabotage their potential and don't let it develop until they can realize expectations. According to the authors, consultants, and well-being experts, Tchiki Davis, Ph.D., pessimism in healthy doses can help us prepare for difficulties and not let our guard down. However, if we continue to have a grim and skeptical view of the future, it will reduce welfare. For this reason, Davis provides a strategy to defeat the pessimistic view with the following steps.
One way to keep pessimism away is to repeat positive statements to yourself. So try to write down some simple positive affirmations in the notebook that you easily reach and can be a reference for repeating it as often as possible.
People are pessimistic about wanting to keep a bad experience. Try to reverse that perspective and write down a list of good things that have happened in the past and everything you value. When you say affirmations, also tell yourself something you're grateful for.
Mindfulness is present without judging. Therefore, you avoid labeling everything negative when you train awareness and see things in a more neutral or realistic way.
If you find yourself expecting bad results, try changing your mind. For example, if you tell yourself, 'I don't want to go to this party because I won't enjoy it,' try to say, 'I might enjoy my party or vice versa, but I don't know if I like it or not if I don't go.'
You may still expect the worst. When thinking about events in the future, it's important to remember that bad events are actually rare if you try hard enough. If you prepare for the worst, big things will happen.
No one chooses a pessimistic view. But most people have negative views and pessimism that attracts joy in everything. Although pessimistic is not always bad, it is important to be balanced with healthy optimism.
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