JAKARTA - Husband and wife relationships are very important to maintain the harmony of marriage. In sex life, it often takes extra strength to get the satisfaction of each couple.
For men, there are several food intakes that can be consumed to increase the power of making love, increase libido, and increase blood flow that encourages stamina. Here are some of these food intakes, quoted from Easy Health Options, on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
Nuts can increase the strength of men when having a husband and wife relationship. One of them is pistacio nuts, which are commonly grown in dry areas such as Iran, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan.
Pistacio nuts contain amino acids called arigine. These acids are also believed to be healthy in the heart and yes, healing erectile dysfunction.
If you eat sweet potatoes or like to drink juice from sweet potatoes, nitric acid in the body will also increase. It will increase blood flow throughout the body, which can increase stamina naturally.
In addition to food, drug and supplements such as Ericfil can also help smooth blood flow in blood vessels, to help facilitate erectile.
Currently, Ericfil is also available in the form of ODF preparations (sollutive films/smoking sheets) or known as Ericfil candy. The thin shape becomes easier to carry and consume, such as eating only candy. However, the use must be adjusted to the conditions of each body.
melons can also increase stamina for men when having a husband and wife. This is because melon also contains L-citrulline amino acids that will turn into arginine, such as pistacio beans that can facilitate erections.
Wheat turns out to be secretly a food for love generation. Just like pistacio nuts and melons, wheat also contains argine amino acids. Wheat is also easy to process into a variety of foods such as oatmeals and to make them healthier, adding to the sprinkling of fresh fruits on top.
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