JAKARTA - Happiness is now being felt by the couple Tariq Halilintar and Aaliyah Massaid who are waiting for the birth of their first child.
Tariq said that at the gestational age of 4 months his wife had not experienced strange complaints.
"No, there is no strange fever yet. Finally, I asked to be given a mangosteen fruit, that's still the case," said Tariq Halilintar, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Thursday, January 30.
But as a future father, Tariq admitted that he felt there was a change he felt. He was encouraged to be a good father.
"Like the beginning before getting married, I wanted him to be a good person, when he had a wife he wanted to be a good husband, now I want to be a good father," said Tariq.
No wonder Thariq is now becoming more protective against Aaliyah in their first pregnancy.
"Lumayan (protective), thank God, I really want him to take care of it so that it's okay, my wife," he added.
Previously, Tariq and Aaliyah had announced this happy news through uploads on their respective personal Instagrams.
"From two to three, coming soon, a gift of our happiness," wrote Aaliyah Massaid quoted by VOI from Instagram @aaliyah_massaid, Thursday, January 23.
Through his Instagram, Tariq said that Aaliyah's struggle was in the pregnancy of their prospective baby for 4 months. Where the wife felt nausea to the stomach tap but was carried out happily.
"Hi my son, 4 months papa is a witness to the struggle of mother @aaliyah.massaid, stomach arrest, sore, mama's nausea and pain you stay happy, all exams and challenges never make your mother broken," wrote Tariq Halilintar.
Seeing Aaliyah's struggle, Tariq gave a message to his future baby to always love his mother.
"Love him like he always did to us, never hurt him, he is extraordinary and he is our home," said Tariq Halilintar.
"If you look at this kid, we want you to know that you are our little miracle and you are always in our prayers my son," he continued.
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