Review Of Budi Pekerti's Film: The Pain Of It Feels When The End Of The Finger Is Able To Destroy People's Lives
Film poster Budi Pekerti (Instagram/@filmbudipekerti)

JAKARTA - Rekata Studio and Kaninga Pictures released their latest film entitled Budi Pekerti directed by Wregas Bhanuteja. In this film, a number of well-known actors such as She Ine Febriyanti (Mrs. Prani), Dwi Sasono (Pak Didit), Prilly Latuconsina (Tita) to Angga Yunanda (Muklas).

Broadly speaking, Budi Pekerti talked about Bu Prani who is a BK teacher at a junior high school in Yogyakarta. One day when she wanted to buy her husband's favorite putu cake, Pak Didit, she met a buyer who took the queue.

Not accepting this, Mrs. Prani tried to reprimand the person, but unfortunately it ended with Mrs. Prani's emotions overflowing and being recorded by the people at the location until finally this will affect Mrs. Prani's career until the next family life.

The choice of issues taken by director Wregas Bhanuteja is very close to the daily lives of Indonesians, namely related to the use of social media which has a big impact on victims of cyberbullying.

What makes it interesting is the point of view taken by this film is the point of view of the victims of cyberbullying. How people judge a person's life only with video clips. This ultimately makes the audience feel as if they can feel the position of Mrs. Prani in this film.

The life of the story is increasingly felt by the audience with the appearance of the players. Where Sha Ine, Dwi Sasona, Prilly Latuconsina and Angga Yunanda can properly describe the condition of the family who is attacked mentally but must continue to strengthen each other and help each other in so that the picture of family that is displayed can be captured properly.

Furthermore, even though in general the story in this film is quite emotional, the existence of comedy spices that are not clearly shown makes this film feel light even though there is an implied message that has a sad meaning.

At the end of the film, as if deliberately not using many dialogues, is only described by the activities carried out by the players. Even so, many viewers will misinterpret the meaning of ending this film with a sad ending, even though at the end of this film is the solution to all the problems faced by Mrs. Prani and her family.

Budi Pekerti's film can be an interesting spectacle for film lovers with mild genres but still have interesting and not boring story weights. In addition, Budi Pekerti's film, which is full of messages that are close to the Indonesian people, is also a new science for the audience.

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