JAKARTA - Ahmad Jalaluddin Rumi or who is familiarly called El Rumi, seems to use casual clothes when participating in the Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada) in 2024.
"My outfit is relaxed because (the TPS location) was next to the house, I wanted to wear shorts but he said there were journalists," said El Rumi as quoted by ANTARA.
On the occasion that El Rumi and his assistant used voting rights in the Jakarta Pilkada, El came in quite simple clothes. He combines a black shirt with a green moss vest equipped with two large bags as an outlet.
The second son of the singer and member of Commission X DPR RI Ahmad Dhani also wears trousers with matching colors to give a slightly neater impression.
As a complement, Syifa Hadju's lover wore a black Gucci hat to protect his head from the sun which was quite hot. On the other hand, he wore the hat to cover his hair which was considered a mess.
"Put on the hat, if you remove it, the hair will fall apart," said El Rumi, who came to the voting place accompanied by his assistant.
Other accessories that El wore were pretty large sunglasses, and Burberry brand selop-type sandals which had black colors on the base and a young brown plaid motif on the top.
Although El appeared casually, as one of the residents of Jakarta he admitted that he was serious about the candidate pair he chose. He even hopes that the elected leader will be able to protect the people of Jakarta more and make the city more comfortable, beautiful and safe for everyone to live in.
"I see that the progress of Jakarta in the last 10 years has been good, with the previous governors. Hopefully, the next governor can continue his previous work," said El Rumi.
The DKI Jakarta KPU has appointed three candidate pairs for governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta to run in the DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada).
The three candidate pairs are Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) number 1, Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana (Dharma-Kun) from independent serial numbers 2 and Pramono Anung-Rano Karno (Pram-Doel) serial number 3.
A total of 8.2 million voters who have been designated as a permanent voter list (DPT) for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada will exercise their voting rights at 14,835 polling stations (TPS) on November 27, 2024.
The Jakarta Pilkada campaign series has been held from September 25 to November 23, 2024.
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