YOGYAKARTA - After sunrise in the morning is a start or start to start activities. Performance and mood during the day are also greatly influenced by how you start the day. Therefore, you need to undergo a productive morning routine to be more enthusiastic and happy.

What you do in the morning usually affects enthusiasm and productivity for a day. Don't let the day start badly because it can interfere with your performance and mood both at work, at home, at school, or when you meet friends.

To welcome days with positive vibes, you need to do some productive morning routines and make them a habit.

It can be said that everyone has the same habit when starting the day. After waking up in the morning, they will carry out positive and productive activities.

Here are a number of productive morning routines and you need to apply:

After waking up in the morning, you should immediately tidy up the bed. Although this activity can be completed quickly, many people are reluctant to do it first. Combining the bed will activate your body to move, while preparing comfort to rest again.

Not only arranging blankets and pillows, it's also the right time to clean the room for a while in the morning. The simple thing you can do is sweep, wipe the windows, bring dirty clothes to the washhouse. That way when you return home, you will have a regular and ready-to-use room for rest.

In the morning is also the right moment to do physical activities, such as exercise. Exercise is proven to have a positive effect not only on the health of the body but also on mental health. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

When exercising, the body will release the endorphins that can increase mood, so that it also affects productivity. Exercise does not have to be heavy, for example with a light stretch that is able to stimulate joints and facilitate blood circulation. It is better to exercise outdoors so that it is exposed directly to sunlight.

You can undergo light exercise and in a short time, such as stretching for 5-10 minutes. Some activities you can choose such as yoga, jogging, to weightlifting lightly.

Several famous figures started the morning by writing a journal. This routine can help you in remembering the tasks that must be carried out over the next day. The morning is also the right time to evaluate yourself.

You can reflect and evaluate the achievements of the previous day and prepare your mind to achieve today's goals and in the future. In addition, you can also carry out financial routines such as recording expenses, compiling budgets, and others.

Not forgetting breakfast is an important activity in the morning that should not be missed. Sufficient breakfast will provide energy and increase productivity in living the day. Choose healthy foods such as fruits, nutritious snacks, eggs, or whole grain bread.

In preparing breakfast, you can also make a menu according to your choice of food. For example, making smoothies with a mixture of berries and other ingredients such as yogurt, milk, and whole grains. Build a habit of eating on time with various healthy menus to grow enthusiasm.

Those are some productive morning routines to build positive habits in starting the day. Don't forget, good morning activities also start from adequate and regular sleep patterns.

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