JAKARTA - The frozen food business is currently on the rise. From vegetables, fruits, and meat, to frozen snacks, everything is freely available in the market, both online and offline.

Many people are switching to buying frozen food compared to fresh food for reasons of its durability. Frozen food is believed to last longer than fresh types of food.

However, did you know that not all foods can be frozen? Launching Eat This, Not That, Thursday, February 16, the following are types of food that should not be frozen because they can cause loss of nutrition according to Chef Shawn Matijevich.

Lean proteins

Foods that are of the type of lean protein should not be frozen. Because, when frozen can break down the protein cell wall and cause the release of water contained in the protein. So that the texture of the food becomes drier. Types of lean protein to avoid frozen are chicken filet, white fish, beans and lentils, tofu and soy foods, nuts and seeds, and eggs.


Spices such as parsley, basil, mint, rosemary, oregano, dill, and thyme have the property of adding fragrance and flavor to dishes. If purchased in frozen form, this spice actually dries up and the aroma becomes less strong. If you want stock, it's better to grow your own herbs in the yard.


Because they easily absorb water, strawberries may crumble when frozen. Shawn Matijevich doesn't even recommend using frozen strawberries in smoothies.

“Using frozen strawberries can cause too much liquid and can turn the strawberries into mush. The same goes for the strawberry shortcake recipe. Choose fresh strawberries rather than frozen strawberries," explained Matijevich.


Manufacturers of frozen clams usually inject water into the clams to increase their weight. However, injected or not, freezing clams can change their texture to become tough when cooked. In addition, the size also tends to shrink to half the normal size.


Frozen broccoli will be very mushy in texture when cooked. In addition, broccoli that is sold frozen has more stems than broccoli flowers. This is because frozen broccoli flowers break down more quickly and become soft when processed. While the stem is still quite good for consumption.

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