JAKARTA – The prediabetes diet is carried out on a doctor's recommendation to someone with high blood sugar but has not been clinically diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This diet aims to maintain a proper diet and lower the glycemic index in the body.

Quoting The Health, Wednesday, February 23, prediabetes is a condition in which a person's blood sugar levels are abnormal and tend to be high. In the United States, about 88 million adults have prediabetes.

A healthy lifestyle is useful for delaying or preventing the development of type 2 diabetes. Based on the facts, losing weight 5-7 percent can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes as much as 71 percent. That is, it is necessary to do a prediabetes diet but avoid making the following mistakes in running it.

1. Can't be done instantly

Lots of references 'how to lose weight fast'. But according to Sacha Uelmen, director of nutrition for the American Diabetes Association, making dietary changes takes patience and persistence. This means that the prediabetes diet cannot be done in just 2 weeks, but is sustainable so that it helps prevent type 2 diabetes.

diet sehat prediabetes
Illustration of mistakes in a healthy prediabetes diet (Pexels/Lisa Fotios)

2. Skipping breakfast

Skipping breakfast tends to ruin your daily diet. If it becomes a habit, it needs to be slowly changed. The reason is according to Marina Chaparro, clinical dietitian, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics, so that the next meal you don't eat too much, you need breakfast.

Skipping breakfast can also mess with blood sugar. Depending on the body's response, because you don't eat breakfast your blood sugar can drop or spike high.

3. Excessive consumption of healthy food

Although a healthy diet of vegetables and fruits, there is still a portion size for each meal. The reason, these foods have a calorie content. Chaparro's advice, considering quality is important. But quality needs to be coupled with quantity to lower blood sugar and weight.

4. Lazy to move

Chaparro said, someone who is very active rarely has prediabetes. So keep moving and exercising regularly to lower blood glucose levels.

“Exercise is like taking medicine,” says Chaparro, noting that exercise benefits sustainably.

5. Eliminate all fatty foods

Fat is a calorie-dense food source. You can eat it, as long as the portion is right. Fat is also a macronutrient and helps you feel full faster. Prediabetes diet, the key is to reduce, not eliminate and exchange good fats with saturated fats.

6. Lack of sleep

Sleep is very important in a prediabetes diet. Research has linked too few hours of sleep to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. According to the National Sleep Foundation, when you fall asleep, your body makes important hormones. Includes hormones to regulate appetite and help the body manage sugar effectively. Lack of sleep often makes the body release less insulin which allows blood sugar to rise.

7. Lose weight unrealistically

A person with prediabetes, needs to lose 5-7 percent of body weight. This needs to be done if you have excess weight. For example, if you weigh 100 kilograms, then in a month you need to lose 5-7 kilograms first. Just by living a healthy lifestyle, the body will adjust to the next decline. That is, it is unrealistic to want to lose 25 kilograms in a month.

Besides the 7 mistakes above, Uelman advises to be right in managing stress. Pressure may be unavoidable, but how to manage it is important.

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