JAKARTA - Stomach pain after breaking the fast is a problem that often occurs during Ramadan. This can be caused by various factors, such as a sudden diet that changes, consumes large amounts of food at once, or chooses less good food for the digestive system.

In order for fasting to continue smoothly, it is important to know how to deal with stomach pain after breaking the fast. Here are 5 tips that you can try to relieve stomach pain after breaking the fast, as reported by VOI from the Medical News Today page.

1. Drink water

Water is very important to help the body digest and absorb nutrients well. If the body lacks fluids, digestion can be disturbed, which can cause stomach pain. Drinking water can also help reduce heart pain. Although the general rule recommends drinking 8 glasses of water a day, the fluid needs of each person can differ depending on activity, environmental temperature, health, and body size.

2. Don't lie down right away After eating

Eating after eating can cause stomach acid to rise to the stomach, which can cause pain to the heart. If you have stomach pain, you should keep sitting or standing for a few hours until conditions improve.

3. Ginger

Ginger can help relieve nausea and vomiting, especially in pregnant women or chemotherapy patients. Ginger can be consumed by adding it to food, making tea, or drinking it in the form of a natural ginger drink.

4. Avoid Cigarettes and Drink Alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause digestive disorders, such as stomach acid to rise. Quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption can also improve the quality of life and reduce the risk of serious diseases such as cancer.

5. Jus Aloe vera

Jus vera aloe can help relieve symptoms of digestive disorders, such as heart ulu pain, bloating stomach, nausea, vomiting, and stomach acid.

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