YOGYAKARTA - When breaking the fast, the selection of drinks is an important thing to pay attention to because it affects health. Not a few people choose soda because it feels fresh to quench their thirst after a day of fasting. In fact, there is an effect of soda water to break the fast that needs to be watched out for.

The wrong choice of a drink to break the fast can actually have a bad effect on health. Many people ask. After a day of hunger and thirst, the body needs fluids that can restore energy and maintain a balance of the body.

Therefore, consuming soda when breaking the fast is actually not recommended for health safety. It is important to know what the effects of soda to break the fast are as a reminder to you.

Here are some side effects of consuming soda to break the fast

Water soda contains carbonation that can cause the stomach to feel bloating and full of gas. When breaking the fast, the digestive system is in a sensitive condition because it does not accept food or drink intake for several hours. Consumption of soda water when an empty stomach can increase the risk of stomach pain, bloating, and digestive discomfort.

Many types of soda water contain high sugar levels. When consumed when breaking the fast, a jump in blood sugar can occur quickly. This can cause the body to feel weak afterward, and increase the risk of diabetes if consumed regularly in the long term.

Although soda is liquid, some of its types contain caffeine and artificial sweeteners which can actually increase the risk of dehydration. Caffeine has a diuretic nature that can cause the body to lose fluids more quickly. In fact, when breaking the fast, the body really needs optimal hydration.

The acid content in soda water can damage tooth enamel if consumed excessively. After all day fasting, the mouth tends to be more acidic, so consumption of soda can worsen this condition and increase the risk of cavities and enamel erosion.

Water soda often does not contain the nutrients needed by the body. On the other hand, this drink contains more additional ingredients such as sweeteners, dyes, and preservatives. When breaking the fast, the body should get good nutritional intake to restore lost energy, so consumption of soda is not an ideal choice.

Often consuming soda when breaking the fast can trigger an increase in stomach acid to the throat. In addition, the caffeine content in soda which acts as a trigger for acid production can increase the risk of starting up to cause hatchlings in the upper digestive tract.

Instead of consuming soda, there are several choices of healthier drinks to break the fast:

That's a review of the effects of soda water to break the fast that you need to be aware of. Although soda provides a refreshing sensation, consuming this drink when breaking the fast can have a negative impact on health. Also read the idea of fresh and sweet drinks to break the fast.

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