JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the condition of national road availability had reached 94.2 percent. This is to support the smooth running of traffic during the 2024 Eid homecoming and backflow.

Basuki said, for national roads on the island of Java, which are ready to be used for 6,500 kilometers (km) with an absorption condition of 97.23 percent.

"Nationally, our national road (non-toll road) is 47,600 km with an application of 94.2 percent," Basuki said in the 2024 Homecoming Preparation Working Meeting with Commission V DPR RI at the Senayan Parliament Building, Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, April 3.

He added that his party had repaired national roads, including the handling of post-flood national roads in Demak in early February and March 2024 along 1.8 km on 4 lanes of the Semarang-Demak road, including repairing road markings and medians.

Then, the Ministry of PUPR has opened and cleaned the Sukabumi-Bogor national road which was previously covered by landslides, so that the national road has returned to normal by vehicles.

For the island of Bali, the national road segment which is ready to be used is 589.6 km with a steady condition of 99.55 percent. On the island of Sumatra, the national road segment is ready to be used for 13,417.5 km with a steady condition of 95.15 percent.

Meanwhile, on the island of Kalimantan, the national road segments that are ready to be used are 8,036.3 km with a steady condition of 92.27 percent and on the island of Sulawesi, the total national roads are ready to be used along 8,794 km, which is generally in a steady condition of 95.82 percent.

"Then, the total length of the toll road is 3,020 km. All of them consist of operational toll roads along 2,835 km (73 segments) in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali and Sulawesi," he said.

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