JAKARTA The electricity consumption at the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) during the Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 (Nataru) periods set a new record. PT PLN (Persero) reported an increase in energy consumption of up to 500 percent compared to the same period the previous year.
The number of electric vehicles going home has increased by 300 percent. Electricity consumption in SPKLU has jumped more than five times. This is an extraordinary spike," said PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo, in a teleconference on national electricity readiness, Tuesday (31/12).
In Nataru last year, electricity consumption at SPKLU was only 139,335 kilowatt hour (kWh). This year, this figure skyrocketed to 706,579 kWh. Transactions at SPKLU also increased significantly, from 6,712 times to 29,237 times, up more than 430 percent.
PLN projects a spike in the number of electric vehicle travelers from the start. To anticipate, the number of SPKLUs was increased to 3,069 units in 2,906 strategic locations. On the main route of the Trans Java-Sumatra homecoming, PLN provides 500 SPKLUs at 297 points with an average distance of 23 kilometers between SPKLUs.
"So far there have been no reports of long queues at the SPKLU, thanks to a significant increase in the number of units in strategic locations," said Darmawan.
The convenience for electric vehicle users is also increased through the PLN Mobile application. The trip planner feature helps users find the nearest SPKLU and plan trips without worrying about running out of power.
As many as 6,000 PLN officers are on standby at all SPKLU during the Nataru holiday period. The presence of digital and physical infrastructure ensures the comfort and safety of travelers.
"Alhamdulillah, so far there have been no reports of electric vehicles running out of power in the middle of the road. We continue to be committed to providing the best service to ensure the travelers' journey runs smoothly," said Darmawan.
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