Minister of Communication and Digitalization Meutya Hafid asked all family members to use the internet well to prevent all parties from being involved in online gambling (judol).
"Because we don't only take care of digital and infrastructure, we also take care of negative content, including online gambling. So we entrust all mothers so that they can be in their area, in their families at least," said Meutya during a visit to Keramic Village Dinoyo, Malang, Saturday.
Meutya said that real action from the community was needed to prevent the number of people affected by online gambling from increasing.
According to him, an approach in the aspect of technology in eradicating online gambling such as removing negative content will not be effective if people are not involved in handling it.
"Technological approaches cannot solve all of that. We can take down up to how many million (contents), five million per day, but (contents) will be made again, make again. So it must be from the community as well as what we want to move," said Minister Meutya.
Meutya requested that the available internet access can be utilized by the community properly according to its designation. For example, people can use the internet to improve the ability of MSMEs both in the production and marketing processes and improve family member education.
"Use it for good things that are guarded at the level of my family, I entrust it to all of you," he said.
Another thing he conveyed on that occasion was the benefits of digitizing ceramic marketing sold by MSME players.
Meutya assessed that digitalization was able to expand the target market for MSMEs and facilitate the inter-regional payment process.
The presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also considered to be able to increase the insight of ceramic craftsmen to learn new techniques and find out the latest trends from ceramics across the country. Thus, products sold have global competitiveness and are much more attractive to buyers.
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