Upon The Commotion Of Rizieq Shihab's Walkout Which Surprised The Judge

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's inaugural trial did not go smoothly, Tuesday, March 16. The public prosecutor, who was supposed to read the indictment, couldn't help but obey the order of the judge who chose to postpone the trial.

Rizieq Shihab's trial was postponed twice. Initially, the problem with the bad audio in the online trial made the panel of judges inevitably postpone the trial.

But uproar broke out in the second trial. The presiding judge Khadwanto firmly continued the trial even though Rizieq Shihab requested that he would present directly at the East Jakarta District Court, aka the offline trial.

The judge's decision drew protests. At first, the team of lawyers chose to rise from the ranks of the legal advisory table. "Trial with the wall," said one of the lawyers shouting out of his chair.

At National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim Polri), Rizieq Shihab stated the same thing, walking out. Rizieq had asked the screen connected to the teleconference connection to be turned off. Afterwards, Rizieq Shihab shouted because he did not want to be forced into the trial because he still wanted to have an offline trial.

"This is a legal matter, don't force it. This is my right,” said Rizieq Shihab, Tuesday, March 16.

The atmosphere is getting hotter. Seen on the YouTube live broadcast screen of the East Jakarta District Court, the legal adviser became angry, pointing at the public prosecutor to the panel of judges.

The judge was astonished. The public prosecutors were back and forth being questioned about Habib Rizieq's walkout action.

"There is already trial management, the defendant may not leave the courtroom seat without the panel's permission. Yes, if the defendant without permission casually leaves, there has never been an ongoing trial. It can't be like that," said chief judge Khadwanto in Rizieq Shihab's trial at East Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, March 15.

Rizieq Shihab and his lawyer, from the beginning of the trial, had rejected the virtual trial. Rizieq Shihab attended the trial from the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency. Meanwhile, judges, prosecutors and lawyers are in the East Jakarta District Court.

“Mengapa terdakwa tidak berada di tempat? Tolong dijawab kan sama saja sama sidang di sini. Memang boleh dia pergi? Nggak boleh, loh ini kok pergi. Jadi ini harus dipahami, analogi sama saja sidang ini,” kata hakim.

"Why was the defendant not there? Please answer, it is the same as the court here. Can he go? No, he can't, but he just walks out. So this must be understood, the analogy is the same as this trial,” said the judge.

Today Rizieq Shihab's trial was continued with an agenda for reading the pending indictment.

"Still (offline trial, red) or please have a trial with chairs, tables and walls," Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Aziz Yanuar, told VOI, Thursday, March 18.

Rizieq Shihab was charged in two cases. The first is the Petamburan crowd case, then the lies in the swab test results at the Bogor UMMI Hospital.
