The Official Site Of The Tangsel KPU Was Hacked, Turned Into An Online Judicial Site

TANGERANG - The official website of the General Election Commission (KPU) of South Tangerang City (Tangsel) was hacked by hackers. The display also turned into an online gambling website.

Pantauan VOI, situs dengan alamat tampilannya seperti normal atau tidak terjadi kendala.

However, when checking a link column on the South Tangerang KPU website, it immediately leads to the online gambling site

In that look, it shows online gambling games such as slots to stripes.

The head of the South Tangerang City KPU, Muhammad Taufik Mizan, confirmed that his official website had been hacked to become an online gambling website.

Knowing this, said Taufik, his party immediately followed up by blocking or taking down the site.

"I also just found out, but we immediately took it down," said Taufik when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, June 27.

He said the hacking took place at 11.00 WIB. But for how long the site returned to normal, he didn't know about it.

"I don't know exactly, but our PPID and IT friends took action," he concluded.